Youre Killed p.2

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Laughing Jack:
Both you and jack were messing around at the carnival when you saw a suspicious shadow just meters away. You continued laughing with Jack until you saw the shadow, who you now realized was a man, come to stab Jack and since you had no time to tell Jack, you shoved him out of the way; causing you to take the blow.
Jack was shell shocked, but killed the man with one swoop of his claws before kneeing next to your body, his face makeup smearing with his tears.

Homocidal Lui:
You had been walking in the wools when you came across a beautiful elk...
Who's foot was stuck in a trap.
You rushed over and helped the beauty out of the trap. She limped away as soon as you had her out but your self accomplishment didn't last long when you felt a searing pain in the back of your legs, before everything went black.
Jeff had been the one to find you. He and his girlfriend had been walking threw the same woods when she saw your corpse and screamed. They both knew who you where instantly and were dreading telling the news to both Sully and Lui alike.
They didn't take it too well. It was the first time all the pastas had seen both of them completely shut down, staring at your motionless body.

Lost sliver:
You were at the movies with one of your friends when a man in a costume walked into the theater and began to shoot people. You already had your phone out so you sent a quick 'I love you' to Silver before fading to black.
The pastas had the news playing while they were eating lunch when Silver got the text from you. At first he was confused but then he heard the 'breaking new. Movie theater in (your town) was shot up and there were no survivors. A total of 50 dea-' that's when he zoned out. He knew you had been at that theater, he had just dropped you off not even twenty minutes ago. He could feel his eyes begin to water as he rested his face on the cold surface of the table; his heart twisting in pain.

Bloody Painter:
You were walking with a friend when a few men pulled the two of you into an alley way. The two of you were screaming as they when to stab you both to death.
Helen found you not even thirty minutes later, crumbled over next to your friend. He had to grasp the wall so that he didn't collapse.

Doctor Smiley:
You were in the mansion making dinner with Sally for the pastas while they were out killing when you heard a loud crash come from the front entrance. Placing the spatula down, you silently shushed Sally and peeked around the corner to see who it was. A loud bang was soon followed with your body hitting the floor with a dull thud.
The pastas were chatting while walking up to the mansion but all stopped dead in there tracks when when saw the front doors completely destroyed. They barreled in, all shouting both yours and Sally's names when they saw it.
The two bodies crumbled by the staircase. They all froze with tears in their eyes before Smiley broke down in tears.

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