Youre beaten and broken p.1

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"Hey wel- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?" You have him a weary smile as you leaned against the door frame, supporting yourself. "Some guys thought it'd be fun to attack me." He growled and picked you up, resting you gently on the couch.
After he had cleaned your wounds and after he cooked you dinner and you went to sleep he went out for blood.

He didn't even notice at first. He had been playing CoD when you came hobbling in the house. After you had been home for about 5 minutes, you were grasping the edge of the couch, trying to keep the black spots out of your vision when BEN walked into the room. "(Y/n) how come you haven't started dinner?" When you didn't respond he took a good look at you before dropping whatever was in his hand, "(Y/N)!!" He shouted and you blacked out.
When you woke up, you were laying on your bed with a red wool blanket draped across you. Ben was staring intensely at you, the red tears coming from his eyes not the only bloody substance on his face. Seeing your gaze, he gave you a cheeky smile and said, "they won't bother you again."

Eyeless Jack:
You were at work when your boss asked you to come into his office. Walking in, you were about to sit down when he slammed the door and pushed you against the wall. "S-sir?" You stuttered out, confused. "Shut up bitch." He snarled. You stared at him in shock and you couldn't fight back as he beat you. He eventually let you go and you scrambled out and grabbed your phone, calling Jack. When he picked up you rushed to ask him to come and get you because your boss had beat you. You could feel blood trickling down your forehead and it was coming fast. Soon you became dizzy and the last thing you saw before you hit the ground was a blue jacket.
When you woke up EJ was no where to be seen but there was a white price of paper on the bed side table reading 'out for his kidneys ❤️Eyeless Jack.'

You were at home making lunch and Tim was out picking up some cheesecake when you heard the front door open. You, assuming it was Tim, went to go greet him but screamed in terror when it was a big man with a gun. He froze for a second, as if he hadn't been expecting anyone home, then raised the gun at you. "Get on the ground." He said gruffly. You slowly got on the ground, keeping eye contact with him the whole time. "What do you want from me?" You asked, still confident Masky will come in time to save you. You could tell by the way he shifted his gaze he had never done this before. "I-I" he had no purpose.
Your jaw dropped. "What the fuck? I'm not having sex with you!" That seemed to set him off. He threw his gun at you full force, hitting you in the middle of your back. You screamed in pain but you didn't get to take a breath before he kicked you in your side, the picked you up and slammed you into the wall. Before you blacked out, you heard the door open and slam shut.
Waking up, Masky was lightly grasping your hand, his eyes dark with worry. "Don't worry," he whispered, "he won't bother you again sweetheart."

You were supposed to meet Hoodie at the park, so when you didn't show he began to think the worst. As he slowly walked home, he heard whimpering. Whipping his head around, he saw your (h/c) hair covering your face and you were cradling your arm to your chest. (Y/N)?! What happens?" He rushed over to you and gingerly grasped your shoulders. You lift your face up to reveal cuts and forming bruises. He growled and pulled you to his chest, whispering how he was sorry he couldn't protect you.

Ticci Toby:
You had been out at the store getting groceries so when it had been almost two hours, Toby started getting stressed. He was pacing the floor when you came through the door, your lip busted and bruises littering you . He opened his mouth to ask where the hell you had been but the words caught in his throat when he saw you. He quickly pulled you to his chest and pressed his face into your hair before leading you off to clean you up.

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