How he handles your death p.1

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How he handles your death

He became an alcoholic.

A really bad one.

There wasn't a time when you saw him without a bottle of whiskey in is hands and his room was constantly littered with beer bottles, no matter how many times it was cleaned. The alcohol kept his emotions at bay and your death off his mind. BEN began to kill more, feeling guilty for both your death and Jeffs depression, no matter how many times the pastas told him t was just an accident.

He never left his room. He didn't really do anything; he just stared at the wall blankly, playing the occasionally game but would end up in tears before he could even beat a level. He refused to go into the bathroom and when he had to do his business, he literally went outside.

Eyeless Jackles:
He stopped sleeping. He would be awake for days at a time before he would finally pass out from exhaustion. He couldn't help it. When he would sleep, he would dream of how he was RIGHT THERE when you were killed and he couldn't even save you. His eye sockets gained such deep circles under them it looked like he had been punched.

Masky baby:
He refused to even look at cheesecake. It shocked everyone. He wouldn't touch the stuff. One day hoodie asked him what the reason was, he broke down crying, saying that if he hadn't eaten all the cheesecake you'd still be with him.

He never left masky side. Since Tim was the only other person he was terrified that if he left him alone the same thing would happen to him and he'd be left with no one. Soon he became overly paranoid and jumped at every sound.

Ticci Tobacco:
He stopped eating completely. It wasn't that he wanted to die (although he honestly did), he had just completely lost his appetite to eat anything after you had passed. It actually took the pastas awhile to notice anything but when they did it was almost too late because Toby had become so skinny and pale.

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