Chapter 3

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I woke up and saw I had an Instagram notification from Pattie.

It was a picture of her and I with the caption

'There's so many beautiful women that my son could have chosen to be his soulmate or anything else but instead he chose Winter, I am so blesses to be able to call you my daughter in law, you are not only that but an amazing mother and one of my best friends, thank you for helping steer Justin in the right path and for blessing me with 4 grand babies, I feel like Justin wouldn't be the artist he is today without you in his life and Bentley wouldn't be as mature and respectful without you, amber wouldn't be a great teen mom like you were without you, autumn wouldn't be who she is without you and Michael well Michael I'm excited to watch grow up like I have with all the other babies, I'm excited to see what yours and Justin's future holds and what these kids learn in life and what they get rewarded for, I'm excited to be there for you guys like always and to always be a loving mother and grandmother to all of you, I am seriously so blessed to have you in my family, you've helped so much in every way make my family grow and be mature like they should be, I have so much respect for you and I can't stress how thankful I am to have you as my daughter in law. I love you so much sweetie happy birthday and thank you for everything.'

She tagged me in the photo. I smiled and texted her.

After texting her for a while and wiping away some tears that had come from reading such a sweet passage I finally got out of bed.

I walked into Michaels room and saw he was still asleep.

Smiling I walked back into my room and saw Justin was in the bathroom.

I walked in and wrapped my arms around his shirtless torso and pecked his shoulder.

"Good morning honey."

"Good morning gorgeous."

"What's the plan for today?"

"Helping Ben move."

"Oh that's right he's moving today."

"Ya, we'll give Michael that room so July can have her own princess room."


He turned around and faced me.

"How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby."


He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

We kissed. I'm so blessed. We pulled away and I started the shower.

Justin walked into the room and laid back in bed.

"Don't go back to sleep."

"I'm not I'm just getting on my phone."


I picked out some clothes and went to shower. Getting out I dressed and did my hair and makeup.

I walked back out and saw Justin was making a YouTube video.

"Speaking of Winter she's right here."

He pointed the camera to me.

"Are you vlogging?"


"Ok, hi."

"So today we are helping our oldest son Bentley move into a condo close to his girlfriends house what are your thoughts on Bentley moving out babe?"

"Uhm, I'm happy and sad at the same time, happy he's ready to be on his own but sad he doesn't need his mommy anymore and no matter how ready he is I will try to let go."

Bentley then walked in and crawled into my bed. I went and crawled in next to him.

He opened my arms and laid in them. I smiled and pecked his forehead.

"What's wrong Benny?"

"I want my mommy." He whined

"Why what's wrong babe?"

"I'm growing up, I wanna live with you guys forever but I know I can't do that cause I've gotta grow up."

"Awe honey I'm always gonna be here for you."

"I know but living in a separate house is different then you always being there."

"I'm gonna leave you two to have your Bentley and mom moment."
Justin then left with the camera. I looked at Bentley.

"Ok he's gone what's really wrong?"

"I'm scared."

"Of what hon?"

"Being alone."

I smiled and bit my lip.

"Do you know how old I was when I got my own place with your dad?"

"How old?"

"I was pregnant with you, I've been on my own for 21 years, if I can do it then so can you."

"You really think I can?"

We sat up.

"Your a Bieber we can do anything we put our minds to, you really wanna move out right?"


"Then do it, pack your things and be on your own after a week if you don't like it then your welcome to move back in ok?"


He hugged me.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too Benny."

I hugged back and kissed the top of his head.

"I will always love you."

He kissed my cheek then left the room. I smiled and got out of bed getting Michael dressed and then started to make breakfast and help Bentley move into his own place.

The rest of our lives (book 7) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now