Chapter 14

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Christina's P.O.V

Last night at the club Monae pulled me out of the line for the bathroom and explained to me what was going on between Liam and Sabrina I got so pissed and I asked her to take me to where they were but when she took me they weren't there.

I looked all over the club but couldn't find them. I finally decided maybe there outside so I asked Louis for the car keys but he told me they that Sabrina had had them. So I went to the car,but I wish I hadn't.

There in the backseat was my boyfriend having sex with my supposed friend. But the strange part was I didn't feel like socking her in the face or killing either of them I simply closed the door and started walking home.

They noticed me I know they did Liam looked right in my eyes and Sabrina too I guess they didn't care though.


I'm in my room now just thinking staring at the ceiling, door locked, music bumping. The girls have been checking on me from time to time except Sabrina,obviously,and even the boys come in for a while.

They've been telling me that Liam wants to talk to me but I'm not in the mood for sorry's and yelling and all the drama I just want to be alone.

**knock knock**

I heard someone knock on my door.

"Come in." I yelled over the music, the door opened and in walked Zayn. He had a sandwich and some juice in his hands

"Hey love I brought you something to eat, you haven't eaten all day I thought you might be hungry."

"Thanks Zayn but I'm fine really maybe later." I said sitting up

"Okay then I'll eat it!" He replied quickly while walking over to the bed.

Zayn's P.O.V

I feel bad for Christina she saw Liam having sex with another girl,WITH HER OWN EYES! I've been trying to help her some how but I think she's really heartbroken. I'm trying one more time to see if she buds in.

She doesn't want her sandwich I made her so I'm just gonna eat it kind of rude but hey I'm hungry too.

"How are you love?"

"I'm okay I kind of wanna go out though I'm getting really bored."

"Lets go then!!"

I hopped up and grabbed her out of bed and told her to get ready. She went to the bathroom and I soon heard the water running for the shower. I went to my room and got dressed also.

I went with some grey skinny jeans a white t-shirt and some black and white chucks,I put on a beanie and went to the living room to wait for Christina.

She came out 30 minutes later wearing some burgundy shorts along with a dark grey sleeveless shirt some all white vans and a satchel. Her hair was straight makeup normal and she had her sunglasses pulling back her bangs.

We got all our stuff and started walking towards the door when I heard Sabrina

"Where are you going on a date?"

I was about to say something when Monae started yelling

"Listen you little backstabbing whore Nobody here wanna deal with your bullshit Christina's been nothing but nice to you this whole trip when nobody else was and what do you do you go and sleep with her fucking boyfriend. You know how much that fucking hurts She's been sad all fucking day because of your thirsty ass and now as she's leaving you have the audacity to say that?!"

"Yep" was all Sabrina said that made Monae snap

She ran towards Sabrina and started hitting her left and right. She grabbed her hair and threw her across the floor Sabrina was throwing punches but Monae just kept going. After a couple seconds everyone leaped into action and tried to break them up, Louis and Genisee tried dragging Sabrina from under Monae and Liam and Catrina tried lifting Monae off of Sabrina. Eventually they got them off each other and Christina grabbed me and we headed out the door.

Catrina's P.O.V


Damn I didn't think Monae was that violent I mean I knew she could handle herself but DAMN!!

"I think it's best if you leave Sabrina." Louis stated

"Oh I'm staying not with you guys but I'm staying until I wanna leave." She replied back

"Listen bitch no one likes you if you haven't noticed, I mean Monae just told you herself, so just get your thirsty self out of here and out of our lives!" Genisee said

She rolled her eyes and went to her room a couple minutes later she came out with all her bags rolled her eyes at us again and left slamming the door.

That leaves one problem out of the way now we just need to fix Liam and Christina.

"Niall I think you should talk to Liam." I whispered

"About what." He whispered back

"What do you think." I said thwacking the back of his head

"Oh." And he went over to Liam and took him out to the porch.

Niall's P.O.V

Catrina had me talk to Liam about the whole situation with him and Christina. At the moment I thought Liam was an ass for doing what he did but I can see he hasn't really been himself since last night so I think it's really bothering him.

So .I took him out to the porch and started talking to him.

"So talk to me man tell me everything just let it out." I said to him

"I don't wanna talk about it." He said turning the opposite direction of me


"Cause it's killing me inside knowing what I did and how bad I hurt Christina and our relationship right now I don't even know if we're still together or not. I get drunk one night and ruin everything. How could I be so stupid?! Maybe I should just leave so Christina won't have any trouble with me."

"Woah woah woah mate don't leave when there's a problem still waiting to be solved. Go talk to her try to fix things it may be hard but if you like her that much you'll do it."

"She's with Zayn right now." He said looking down," they're probably on a date."

"Do you really think Zayn would do that to you, besides I see the way she looks at you I know she likes you, now go get her."

With that he gave me a smile and ran out of the hotel. Catrina came running to the porch and sat on my lap.

"So what'd you say?" She asked

"Oh nothing just Niall's words of wisdom." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Your so dumb." She said with a giggle kissing my forehead. I think our problems are gonna be solved.



Yay I updated early woohoo okay well hope you like this chapter




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