First day

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First chapter of first book! Hope its enjoyable for you all, Ive already wrote more, basically nearly done, but want to see if people are keen and want to read rather than just waste my time! Please leave feedbak and pass around! I'd love to get a lot of readers as well as comments :)



"Shit" I shouted aloud as I was panicking to pick up my stuff. 'My first day and I'm late' I thought.

I had just moved to London from a little town near Birmingham due to my mums work, she's a holiday rep so is not home a lot of the time anyway.

Mum was away so I didn't bother going to sleep at a decent time last night, nor set an alarm, bad move. Barely having time to throw on a pair of black, ripped jeans and a plain white tank top, I threw my hair into a messy bun and had no time for make up.

I ran into first period and stumbled as I tried to shut the door, I looked up to see the whole class staring at me. "er sorry, I'm Holly, erm I'm new, sorry" stuttering awfully as I caught eye contact with my teacher, a pretty dark haired, middle age woman. "Oh gosh it's ok" she chuckled as she rushed over to help me with the door, "I'm miss Harris, and will be your PSE teacher" she led me to a spare chair in the middle of the class, I politely smiled at people around. "So where are you from?" "Birmingham" I said quietly, I didn't want to hold a Q&A in front of the whole class "And what brings you here?" 'Great' I thought "mums work" I sat down hoping to finish the conversation. Miss Harris then made the whole class tell me their names and one thing about themselves, you would think we were in pre-school not high school.

PSE went quickly, a couple of girls spoke about the school, about the teachers and lessons and more importantly (in their eyes) boys.

"Right what lesson you got next?" Esther asked while we packed up our stuff. She seemed to cling to my every need, almost like she needed to feel wanted.

"Erm I'm not sure, I didn't have time to pick up my schedule"

"It's ok, I'll take you" she pulled me by the hand out of the classroom, I rolled my eyes and reluctantly followed taking in my new surroundings. The walls were all a light purple, it's reminded me of lavender which made me feel a little bit sick, the floors were all tiled a creme colour. I received a couple double glances and heard people whisper about "the new girl". Esther got to an office and knocked on the door pushing me in in front of her

"Hello" the heavily pregnant lady said as she looked up at me and struggled to get to her feet

"Oh erm hi, I'm Holly Jones, I'm new and need my time table please?" I smiled

"Oh yeah sure I'll just print it off for you" she typed something into her computer and the printer started to make a noise. I turned to see Esther still hovering in the doorway, she smiled.

"Here you go" the lady said as she handed me a piece of paper "psychology next, with mr James in room 112"

"Oh snap!" Esther shouted, id forgotten she was there. "Let's go so were not late" she dragged me again by the hand up some stairs and along multiple corridors, 'completely lost' I thought to myself. "I live on the estate by the way, the semi detached one on the corner" i nodded like i knew what she ment, i had no clue "ive lived there since i was born, well before! my older brother was one when we moved in and a year later i was born. my parents loved the house, its just homely and the neighbours are nice and of course its close to a school so my parents dont have to worry about dropping us and being late for work" 'god she rambles' i thought as i let my mind wonder.

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