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Hey I hope you few readers are enjoying my story so far, would love some comments or likes?! Would also be so grateful if you got any of your follows to give my story a read? Thanks, x


I spent the next day between the sheets with ice cream and Netflix. I couldn't face going in and seeing people, Jack to be precise. I had a couple texts off Esther and Callum but nothing important.

I was woke by the lights being switched on, I rolled over, it was 7.15


"I bought you breakfast, I think you should go in today" she placed a tray on my bed, it smelt so good

"Shop bought or home made" I laughed as I sat up

"Who do you think I am?! Shop bought" she nudged me and we laughed "I'll go get my concealer for your face, ugly" she laughed

"Get out" I pushed her off my bed with my feet and she left.

I ate my breakfast quickly as I hadn't ate too much the past day and it was lovely. She had bought me a stack of pancakes with syrup and some fresh fruit which didnt touch the sides. I just threw on my skinny white jeans and my black oversized hoodie, 'going for comfort' I thought. Mum tried her best to cover the cut and bruise on my face, it just made it look like I was hiding something

"Thanks mum" I stood up so she stopped fiddling with my face. I added a bit of mascara and lip gloss before leaving for school.

I was sat in PSE with miss Harris who glanced at me every so often, I just hung my head low as Esther rambled on about some crap. It was the end of the lesson before I knew it so I packed up quickly and went to leave

"Holly?" Miss Harris shouted as I was about to exit "a word?"

I slowly turned to her, looking at her feet to try and hide the egg on my face.

"Mr James wants to speak to you about the work you missed" she barley looked up at me "and next time you're off, send a note into the school"

I just nodded and walked out. I had a free so I decided rather than risk bumping into Jack in the library I would go up to see mr James.

I knocked on the door gently and opened it, peering in

"Holly! Where have you been" he walked over and opened the door quickly causing me to stumble in,

"Sorry" I mumbled

"Nono don't appologise, are you ok?"

"Erm yeah" I looked up at his worried eyes, he bought his hand up to my face , I pulled away as pain seared through my check as he touched the bump which was still swollen out of my eye.

"Woah what happened" he cupped my face in his hand

"Erm nothing, just bumped it" I stumbled, holding on to his wrists try to take his hands away from my face

"That's not a bump, Holly tell me" he bacame serious

"I got knocked a party, it was an accident, I'm fine"

"Who did it?" He didn't take his eyes off me, I didn't answer "tell me"

"God it was Jack! what's the issue?!" I snapped

"Have you rang the police?" I shook my head "well I'm going to ring them, that's not an accident"

"Why do you care?!" I backed away from him "you're my teacher, you should care about my grades not my face"

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