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Then i got the email...

'Hello, Its Maddy (Hollys mum) i can see the concert you have shown for my daughter, now i assume you're a close friend and please correct me if I'm wrong but she needs someone and i can't get through to her. I know its a big ask, but all expenses paid, can you come out here, even if its just for a night or two, she needs someone and if thats you then god you can stay for as long as you want. We are in Alicante, you can fly direct from London to here, I can get family to pick you up and bring you to us, please its such an emotional time. Let me know, thank you'

Fly to spain, to see Holly? Blimey whats happened that needs me, well a friend that badly. Ive got to think bout this, i can't say yes, i mean what if Holly doesn't want to see me, she might flip out and go mad at me or something. But what else will show her how much i care. For gods sake i hate flying but for her id fly Australia.

Before long i realised i was still stood in the middle of the gym, everyone was busy around me but i was stood doing nothing like a nonce. Thinking about my answer i made my way home, quickly tonight i guess deep down i knew my answer.


"Flight 4437 to Alicante is now boarding" I looked up to the screen from my book, my flight, and then back down to my boarding pass to double check, yup.

As i sat and buckled up, I could feel my breathing increase, sweat gathering on my skin, God i hate this.

"scare of flying" a guy the same age of me threw himself into the chair next to me

"just a little" i answered as my eyes darted around the plane, picking up every detail including where the emergency exits are

"just shove a film on, 2 hours flys by" he chuckled "no pun intended"

"shit my headphones are at home" typical i always forget something

"here I've got two pairs" he dug around in his small rucksack before pulling out a pair of apple headphones.

"cheers mate"

2 hours later and just as 'mad max' had finished the fasten seatbelt signs came on, this was the worst bit of the flight, the landing. The force you hit the ground with makes me shudder expecting the wheels to break, but as always the pilot has control and nothing goes wrong, thank god. My bag was one of the first to come off, it was a plain black case so i tied a green case tag to it, nothing written in just so i would be able to easily see it. Now to find Maddy, i had only seen her once, what if i can't find her, how awkward. I grabbed my phone and took it off aeroplane mode, and had a text

'meet by the passenger gate, M' theres my answer, she is here somewhere. As i had a night flight, Maddy said she would pick me up as Holly wouldn't know she had left and she didn't want to have to burden the family to get me.

I casually walked out, pulling my case with my phone in my hand. My eyes glanced around, 'dark curly hair,olive skin, pretty' her description running through my head to make it easier for me. I think we saw each other at the same time, she offered me a friendly smile and i walked over

"Hey Maddy"

"Hello good looking teacher" she laughed "thinking about it you're the best person to bring, being mature and you can give her some work to do too"

"yeah, we get on well too. She knows she can talk to me" i smiled as we walked towards the exit

"as long as it is just talking" she shot me a look

"of course" i laughed a little, maybe nervous. Maddy didn't look how she did in the dress shop when i last saw her. Yes she was tanned, i mean they had been in spain in the peak of summer for two weeks but she looked pale, more like a paleness from being ill. She didn't have the bounce in her step which she did when she was running around to get matching shoes and bags, it was gone. We got to a small red 3 door car, I put my small case in the boot and got in the front with her. We sat in silence for a while, both our eyes on the road ahed, but i had to know whats wrong.

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