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ps gets a bit warned. 

The next couple of weeks dragged on, the work piled up so i tried to pay most of my attention to keeping up rather than letting my mind wander about this or that. The time i spent with Esther was mostly at school, in psychology or on our frees helping each other out and then lunch and break with the girls, laughing, letting our hair down. I went out a couple of times with Ben after our first coffee, he was nice, helped me forget about the stress of mum and sixth form, well of life. We had last been to the zoo after learning that the giraffes were my favourite, it was a lovely day, sun was shining and we even managed to feed the giraffes, i allowed a visit to the other animals as i didnt want to waist the day. He treated me to a meal a a bouquet of flowers, removing the two lilly's as im allergic. School was just as boring as it was in Birmingham, work, homework, course work, exams and repeat. English was the subject i could really relax into, be myself, i didnt have to say anything set or remember anything specific, watch and read what i enjoyed and write well about it. I had been getting low Bs and high Cs, hoping to get a B. PSE with miss Harris was pretty mediocre, it was easy context and we all got on with miss Harris as she was able to hold conversations about our life and then be our teacher on the other hand. The biology just got harder, i mean i kept up but me and Sarah helped each other which made it seem easier, like teamwork. We were pratically scoring the same grades each time we took a test, exchanging a high five each time. Psychology was my becoming my strong point, i just loved it, everything that mr James seemed to say i understood. I managed to pull Esthers grade up along with my own, spouting random facts and spinets of information at her. Ben and I could hold conversations about studies and psychologists, i felt like it wasnt me talking. Mark James had seemed to back off, since i told him to stop, he did. Glad to meet a guy who does know what no means. We occasionally had awkward chitchat, about psychology work, or life.

The music was so loud i could hardly hear myself think, i checked my watch '9.30, everyone will already be drunk' i thought as i headed towards the front door. The doors were open and i could see into the house, there was couples leaning up the wall of the hall making out, i could just see into a large room at the back of the house where the lights were flashing and everyone was dancing. I walked in, pushing my way past some people and found my way into the kitchen, throwing my bag in the corner i grabbed a can of cider and cracked it open. Politely smiling i looked around at the groups of people stood around the kitchen.

"oh hey, its Holly right?" a voice shouted over the music

"erm yeah" i smiled. There was a short blonde girl stood in front of me, not looking very steady on her feet

she laughed "i know megan" then she left

"what the hell" i muttered to myself as she wandered off into the crowd. I decided to move into the back room to try and find Ben. This was his 18th birthday party, i was late due to an interview i had at a bar, i hoped some work would be a nice earner and would get me out of the house for a couple of nights a week.

"hey baby" a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, i felt a kiss on my cheek so i turned in the embrace

"hey, having a good birthday?" i smiled and kissed him on the nose, he squirned like a child

"even better now. Thankyou for my present" his hands remained around my waist. I hadnt got him much just a nice shirt and aftershave that i liked, it was the first birthday we were together, well nothing official but i think we both assumed. "lets dance" he pulled me to the middle of the room as the song changed to 'dance with me' by walk the moon, it was one of my all time favourite songs i just had to scream along to the lyrics.

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