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Sorry exams, holidays and breakups.....heres chapter 14!

Marks pov


I couldn't help be worried, after bandaging her hand up and dropping her home Friday night i haven't heard a word off Holly, I've been ringing and ringing but have got nothing. To be honest i didn't expect to see her in school on Monday, i did expect a sore looking Ben which i was correct on and a pissed looking Esther, which i was also correct on. Changing the lesson plans slightly to keep the two apart as i know Esthers tendencies to blow up, just like Holly i suppose. What i didn't expect was a week down the line for my calls to still be being unanswered, my emails being ignored, no Holly in class, and no clue to where she was. 

"Esther, can i have a word?" i had to ask, even if i got nothing , i had to ask

"Erm yes?" her eyes followed a group of girls as they left my room when the bell went

"i dont suppose you have any clue where Holly is? She's missing a lot of work and its not good to fall this far behind this far through the year" genuine teacher concern, 'and i want to see her' i thought.

"no, I've been worried too. I haven't heard off her in like a week. Last i heard her and Ben broke up, he's a twat, and then she went quiet. Sorry, I'm trying to get hold of her too" she left. She didn't know either, i was still in the dark, still wondering. 


It wasn't the end of school yet, but i couldn't sit here any longer worried. I didn't have a class so leaving an hour early wouldn't make a difference. It was now nearly two weeks with no contact, no one had any idea, the school, her friends, me, and it was horrible. I pulled up outside her house, the curtains were all open and the lights were all off, exactly what you'd expect for 2.15 in the afternoon. Pulling up across the drive you could no longer see tyre marks from where Hollys mum parked, had she been away for longer this time? left Holly for two weeks instead on one? I couldn't help these questions fly around. I rang the doorbell once, no answer, i pressed it again, peering through the small glass window on the door, no answer. Stepping over the plant pots, i lent to look through the lounge window, it was messy, there was things nocked over, odd things thrown over the sofas, not how it looked before. Climbing back onto the path i heard someone shout, startling me, loosing my balance i knocked over one of the large potted pants next to the door causing the pot to shatter. "shit" i mumbled as i turned to see a neighbour waiving to me,

"hey i don't think you'll find anyone it" She seemed pleasant

"do you know where they've gone?" I walked to the end of the drive, making our conversation easier

"i should probably ask who you are first" she gave me a look over her glasses and chuckled a little

"oh Hollys teacher, she's at an important stage on a-levels and i need to catch her up with the work" i smiled

"oh of course! well i don't know for sure but Maddy, Hollys mum that is, came home from work early on friday in a state. We didn't speak but i saw her from my bedroom window" she proceeded to point up to the house behind her "i think Holly was at work, well she also came home early, hand in a bandage bless her. Well they left soon after, both seemed to be crying with suitcases packed. They have family in Spain so that would be my guess" 

"oh god" i sighed, boyfriend cheats on you and then you get home to find you've got to go to Spain for a family commotion "thank you for filling me in, i will see if we can get hold of either of them again. Thanks for you time" I put my hand out and the neighbour shook it before i got back into my car, leaving the shattered plant pot and the dirt all over the front step. 

Voicemail "hey Holly i know you probably won't get this but i thought i would try you again, please just drop me a text to let me know you're ok. You're not in trouble or anything, I'm just worried and really want to hear your voice. Call me, I..." what do i want to say, i can't think and I'm stumbling "I lo..." I want to say it, i want her to know, but i can't scare her off. "I'll...speak to you soon" i hung up. 

I didn't know where i was going, but it wasn't home, I was just driving. I guess it helps clear my mind. 

"where have you been?" her voice echoed through the still empty house

"had to run an errand" i had no clue where she was, i didn't care, i didn't want to see her. "I think i will go to the gym or something"

"no, my friends are coming round" Gemma pocked her head out of the kitchen and glared at me from down the corridor

"exactly" I grabbed my already packed nike holdall and left, think that was a new record, in the house for what 5 minutes? We had just moved house, we lived a big group of us and then we had been left just the two of us so we down sized, i say downsized the house is still massive. 3 floors, still 4 bedrooms, incase family or friends what to stay. Whatever. 


I could feel the throbbing of my blood through my veins, this was the third night in the gym, pushing myself because what else did i have to do other than worry. My head phones fell quite before my ringtone started to play. Stopping the treadmill i pulled out the AUX cord and answered breathlessly from my run 


It was silent for a minute, other than my heavy breaths trying to refuel my body with oxygen, i pulled the phone away and checked the caller ID 'international'

"Holly?" she's abroad right? "are you ok?"

"hey" her voice sounded so dry, so sore "sorry i-"

"no don't apologise are you ok?" i felt frantic, what could i say?!

"not really, no but i'll be fine. Family's hey" she stifled what sound like a sob

"i don't believe you, can i see you?" 

"that would be difficult, I'm in Spain." She spoke so slowly, not how she use to, not full of personality and life, more like and old lady, someone who's given up

"skype me" 

"i don't want you to see me" 

"why? i want to"

"i look a mess, you seriously don't" i felt cold, she showed no feelings or anything towards me

"I've been so worried, you've not spoke to anyone in like two weeks. Whats happened hun?" 

"Sorry but you weren't my main priority. Ive got to go"

"no please-" she hung up. She just hung up on me. All i was doing was caring for her and she shut me out. Then i got the email...

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