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The next two weeks went straight forward, biology = hard work and no messing, PSE = bullshit and gossip and psychology= flirting and recapping stuff I did last year. I decided to pick up English lit/lang to allow me to have 4 AS levels and the drop down to 3 next year.

"Holly?" I had just walked in the door from school and mum was day in the kitchen. I walked in to see her sat next to a suitcase

"What the fuck mum?" She always does this, ups and leaves not giving a care for me

"Work Holly, I can't say no"

"I'm your daughter!" I shouted "I come first! I've just settled in and you want to leave me alone!"

"It's only a week in Spain"

"Oh so you'll miss taking me to Birmingham to see Phoebe?! Priorities mum" I sighed

"No I've got it covered! I've set up a taxi there, a stay in a 4 star hotel and then a train home, it's all sorted" she smiled

"Fine whatever, I'll just go alone and hope not to be killed" I rolled my eyes and walked out the house, slamming the door behind me. I couldn't help but cry, second best again. Second best to mum, work. Second best to dad, girlfriend. Second best to Pheobe, life.

I sat on the bench under a purple and red filled tree. They were my favourite, full of colour, beautiful. I slipped my head phones in and turned up the volume to the max and blasted some Hozier, I can't get enough of his music.

I was sat there for a good half an hour before I was disturbed by someone sitting next to me. I reluctantly looked up to see Jack staring at me, I left my head phones in and looked away. The next time I looked he was gone, leaving a note

'Perfect, it's like you don't know me. Keep it that way' and on the underside of it was a picture. A picture of me naked from the waist down, knocked out. I screwed it up and shoved it in my pocket letting a tear slide down my face.

"Hey" a breathless voice said, I only just heard it over my music. I took out a head phone and looked up. Mark. I wiped the tears off my face and smiled and got up to walk away.

"Wait" he grabbed my arm "what's up?" He pulled me and sat on the bench, taking out my head phones

"Nothing I'm fine" I kept looking at the floor

"You've been crying, look at me" I reluctantly looked up

"No I'm fine" the butterfly's grew in my stomach as our eyes locked onto each other

"Come here" he pulled me close to him and hugged me. I let the silence remain for a minute before I spoke

"What are you doing here anyway?" I looked at him. He was wearing navy knee length baggy shorts, a white loose t-shirt and back Nike trainers.

"Jogging" he looked down and chuckled "helps clear my head. But anyway I'm not leaving this, you can't change the subject that easily, like you can do with your mum" he laughed, I didn't answer, or laugh with him. "Touchy subject?" He guessed

"A little" I leant my head on his shoulder "she's going away again. Always leaving me for work. I'm not important"

"Hey" he lifted my head and looked at me "you are more than important, she's just trying to provide for you"

"Wow stick up for her, you don't understand. She can work from her office here. It's an option to go away, she chooses it always, over me. I'm fine with it normally but we had plans. How am I suppose to get to Phoebes in Birmingham for her ball it just pisses me off"

"Woah language!" He shouted "look I'm free this weekend, I'm drive you and book a hotel room and bring you back the next day"

"Oh god no I can't expect you to do that!"

"It's fine honestly, especially if I get to see you in that dress again" he nudged me and chuckled, I blushed slightly.

"How about we go on Friday night, stop over then party, then stop and then come home on Sunday" he smiled casually

"If you wanted to spend that much time with me" I hesitated "you could have asked" I held a straight face and watched him squirm before bursting into laughter, "seriously thought that would be nice" I smiled and leant on his shoulder again.

My phone ruined the moment, it was mum

'I can't wait any longer, I'm off to the airport. See you soon, love you'

I ignored her text for a while.

"I'm going get a takeaway and go home, so I'll see you tomorrow" I stood up

"Ok, we can plan times and stuff" he joined me standing,

"Have a fun night" he faked a smile

"I will actually" I laughed.

He turned and jogged off so I made my way home to order my Chinese.

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