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I rushed through the day, exited to get away for the weekend. I told Esther I was going down early to have a catch up with Phoebe before the party. Me and Ether have become best friends and I promised here to ring her tonight, think she felt a little jealous that I was going away with out her.

I got home fairly early and packed 2 pairs of underwear and clothes for Saturday morning and Sunday. I zipped my dress up in the suit bag to keep it clean and stop any creases forming. I threw all of my makeup in, not knowing what I will need depending on how full on Phoebe will go. I made sure to pack my heels in their box and wrapped my clutch nicely. I picked up the money mum had left me and picked up my debit card in my purse and my black everyday handbag. I double checked I had everything, throwing in my phone charger and checked the time, 5.15 'late' I thought. I looked out the window to check I hadn't missed the door bell and watched him pull up and run to the door, knocking statically

"Sorry sorry!" He shouted as I opened the door, he walked straight in "where's you stuff? Come on let's go" he wined

"Okok" I laughed "patience child" I said sarcastically. I walked up stairs and he followed me into my room

"Come in" I laughed as he sat on my bed

"Got everything?" He picked up my bag and stood up to go

"Erm yeah think so" I smiled "I'll take that" I offered

"Nono it's heavy, I've got it. Just grab your dress"

"Ok well let's go" I smiled and followed him down the stairs, locking up after we left the house. Mark drove a dark grey 4 door Audi, it was very posh and clean.

We sat the first half an hour of our journey in silence with just the radio playing. I occasionally shouted at bad drivers and Mark just laughed.

After the last time he asked me "are you learning to drive?"

"Erm yeah, my instructor just laughs at me too when I shout and people" I looked away a little embarrassed "it just does my head in" we both laughed.

Mark proceeded by telling me about his life, born and raised in London. Only ever been abroad once, to a funeral for some distant family in Spain, family off his dad's side. He studied at Oxford university and had been a teacher for 2 years, making him 23. His parents moved to Spain to join in dad's family, they visit here but Mark hasn't been over to them yet. He didn't say it but I have a feeling he has a fear of flying.

He paused looking to me, 'my turn' I thought.

"Erm I don't know where to start" he put a hand on my thigh

"Just what you're comfy with" he left his hand on my leg and looked ahead at the road

I proceeded to tell him little details, mums work, dad's work, memories from my childhood and little worthless snippets of information. I couldn't bring myself to discuss my parents divorce, it was too soon, too raw, I just said dad and josh moved out, I think he could probably fill in the gaps.

It fell so silence again. Just listening to the radio.

I woke with a start as a car door slammed, I groaned as I looked arround. It was only 6.45 so Mark must have either drives fast, or we were lucky with the traffic. We were here. I could just make out the to of the iconic selfridges building. I unbuckled and got out the car, Mark had left me out the front of the hotel as he took our bags in. I waited by the car not really knowing what to do,

"Hey sorry did I wake you?" He walked out of the doors and over to me

"It's fine, I'm glad" I smiled "we here" I squealed as Mark walked to the boot of the car

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