A Crazy Encounter

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This book is a work of fiction. I will be updating this constantly, and feel free to comment and give any suggestions and please vote and follow. Don't be a GHOST READER -Elise💕

Dawn's P.O.V

My slumber was interrupted by my phone ringing on top of my bedside table, what a nice way to start my Saturday, i thought to myself (note the sarcasm). I checked the caller ID and it was my manager Sheila, I answered the call "G' morning Dawn! I know its your day off but we have a meeting later, so we can talk about your opening acts for your tour." Sheila says "Uhm, yah okay. Wha-What time?" I say sleepily "Be here at 2PM sharp." Then she ends the call. I place my Iphone 6 back at my bedside table and take the duvet off me. I get out of the bed and stretch my legs and arms.

I plan to take a shower so i run the water in the bathtub and soak myself in. After a relaxing bath. I wrap my towel around me and step out of the bathroom. I choose my white American Eagle shorts and a pink sweater that says PINK! on it.

I go to my kitchen and make myself some breakfast. After eating some bacon and eggs I wash my plate and walk to the living room. I watch E news. After watching E news for like 4 hours or so, its time for me to change for the meeting. So i just change my top to a floral tank top and wear my white converse. I get my car keys to my black Ferrari and walk out to the garage, i slide in the car and put the keys in the ignition and place my purse in the seat beside me. I didn't get to eat lunch so i stopped at Starbucks. I put on my Ray Bans on and suprisingly only two people were in. I walk to the cashier and Lyla, the waitress was there. "Hi Lyla!" I greet "Good Afternoon! So will you get the usual or something different?" "I'll get the usual drink and one chicken spinach roll." Layla nods and i hand her the exact money. She gives me my orders and we say goodbye to each other .

I headed to the studio for a meeting and i was 5 mins. early. Once i got out of the car flashes of cameras and questions from the paparazzi were thrown at me. I looked down and walked fast. Gosh, i will never get used to this though. I greeted the people i knew and while walking i didn't notice that I bumped into someone and i fell on my bum. "Sorry! Didn't see you there." A deep voice with a British accent says. I look up and see a mop of curls. He looks familiar, very familiar. He gives me his hand and i take it. "Uhm, you look familiar. Hm...OH! Your Dawn Olivia! I'm so sorry about that." I giggle a little "Yup, thats me. You look familiar too. Its already at the tip of my tongue." I say while thinking, he take his glasses of and i quickly realize who he was "Harry Styles! Oh i see " I say while face palming myself "Yup, so uhm...do you know where studio B is?" He asks "What a coincidence, thats actually where i'm headed. Let me show you."

Once we were in front of the door of studio B i opened the door and i couldn't believe that the other bandmates of Harry were here. They stood up "Harry mate, where were you?" I think uhm...Liam said that, if i wasn't mistaken. While they all greeted me and same what i did to them. I took a seat beside Sheila and she began talking "So Dawn, your opening acts will be One D, if it isn't obvious, but its not only them." She says and i get a puzzled look on my face and i take a peek at the boys and they were just staring at me, wow how creepy. "Austin Mahone will also be your opening act." Then i just nod, "I also need you and Justin to go on another date together. I'll be texting both you and Justin the details for you date." So now i guess your wondering what she's talkin' about, well i'm fake dating Justin and me and Justin are actually great friends. ONLY FRIENDS. That's actually it, i just nod my head and she tells us all the other details about the tour and tells us that we can all leave now. We all get out of the chairs and get out of the studio.

"Hi! Were honored to meet you and to be your opening acts." Louis i think says, once we get out "Oh yeah, i'm Niall!" The one with the blonde hair with an Irish accent says "And i'm Liam and that is Louis, and thats Harry if you haven't noticed." He pointed at the other guys "Hello to all of you lads too. I'm also happy that you guys and Austin are going on tour with me." I say sweetly "So uhm, we were wondering if you wanted to have early dinner with us." Niall says "Sure, sounds awesome." I say "but one small problem thought" Liam says "What's that??" I ask "We don't really know any restaurants here." He says and i chuckle "Don't worry, I know the perfect place for us to eat. You guys could just follow me." I say then we all get into out cars and then i go first.

Once we arrive at .... We ordered our food and started eating the delicious food. Liam insisted in paying the bill, "I really owe you." I say to Liam "No problem." He says "Well, i hate to go already but i have a Victorious Secret Model shoot with the other angels, but I guess i'll see you guys again tomorrow for rehearsals right?" I say "Of course. Hm... Wow! Life of a singer and songwriter and VCM and actress. I guess thats really hard to handle." Louis says "Yah, a pretty big darn job."Niall agrees "Well i don't really see it as a job, it's practically a really great activity or you can say a hobby for me because i love what i do thats why i do it." I smirk "Wow! Know i know why people love you so much." Niall says "Thanks, know i really got to go, bye guys!" I say with a big smile, they all wave goodbye to me and i do the same.

I get down immediately from the car once i arrived at the studio where we will be having a photoshoot. Maria, Sky, Georgina and I will be in the shoot. I was met by a lot of flashing of cameras, i placed my Ray Bans back on and the papz were throwing questions at me and screaming my name.
Three guards escorted the papz away from me thought.

I was greeted by the girls and we all hugged each other "Aww! I missed you!" Sky said, she had wavy blonde hair that reached 2 inches above her hip and blue eyes that you could stare at for days or even weeks and she has this British accent and damn was she tall, she was at least 2 inches taller than me. "I missed you too! Even if we just saw each other 2 days ago." Maria says while giggling, she has straight auburn hair that reaches one inch above her waist and she has blue green eyes that sparkle and she was an inch and a half shorter than me. "Let's just say that we all missed you a lot, even if i ran into you a day ago." Georgina chuckles, she has light brown hair that's straight but curly at the ends which is 2 inches above her hip and has grey eyes that you can get lost in and she has catlike eyes too and lets say that she is the tallest out of all the Angels, she 5 inches taller than me. "You guys are so sweet!" Then we all hug each other again.

After the shoot and hanging out with the girls and talking about the upcoming Victorious Secret Model Show which is happening in 4 weeks from now in NY. I went back to my home sweet home and after changing to my pj's i finally slept like a baby.

Chances (Harry Styles)//h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora