My Room

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Dawn's P.O.V

"Ugh! I'm hungry! Lets go to Pizza Parlor!" I say while holding my right hand to my tummy while the boys just chuckled at me "I totally agree with you!" Niall said and slapped Louis arm playfully, surprisingly they're were not much paparazzi and the sone of them are keeping their distance from us.

"Ugh! I missed this!" I said while eating the heavenly food in front of me and they all nodded "When was the last time you went here?" Liam asked me whom was beside Harry which was in front of me while i sat beside Niall "I went here on my last tour which was 2 months ago i guess" I said while wiping my mouth with the napkin in front of me. I opened my purse when the bill arrived until Harry slapped my purse of my hand "I'm paying" He says smirking "C'mon, let me just pay for mine at least?" I ask and he shakes his head and i huff, "Let's go already and do more sight seeing." Liam said while standing up from his seat and we all follow after him and suddenly flashes of light hit us and people were screaming are name, while their were some fans so i took some pics with the fans and answered some of the kind paparazzi's questions. "Oh! I know where to go! Why don't we go to the Parks?" I say and they nod at me agreeing.

After hours and hours of sightseeing we head back to the hotel. "Hmm, I'll be taking a nap" Liam said while unlocking the door to there room which was the room on my left "Yep, me too" Niall says and follows Liam "Same here, the jet lag is coming to me" Louis says and goes into his and Harry's room which was on the right from my room "I'm not really sleepy, want to have a movie marathon or something?" I ask Harry and he nods so i unlock the door and he follows inside and jumps on the bed and takes the left side "Hey! Your messing up my neat bed!" I say playfully while slapping his arm "Sheesh! It's going to get messed up anyway when you lie down to yah' know" He says while giggling and i go to the shelf beside the flat screen thats in front of my the bed "Choose, The Interview? Paranormal Activity 3? The Notebook? Jenny's Wedding?" I ask him while showing him the DVD's "Hm, why not The Notebook?" He says while shrugging then i nod and place the DVD in the player and head over to the bed beside Harry but my intense watching was disturbed when i feel Harry's curls hitting my bare stomach and i couldn't help myself but play with his curls while he slept, wow! I never knew his curls were so sof- "Uhm, hey Dawn" I stop touching Harry's curls and look up to see Louis in he door "Uh, hey Louis! What's up?" I say quietly, remembering that Harry was still asleep "Uhm, nothing, i just wanted to talk to you but i see that someone's stopping you from standing upl" He says while chuckling and letting himself in "I can still talk" I said while tapping the space beside me, signaling him to sit down for us to talk about whatever he wants to talk about and he follows "So, i sense something funny between hm, and hm" He says while pointing to me and Harry who is still sleeping while saying hm, "What do you mean?" I ask, playing dumb "Don't play dumb with me now, Dawn Savannah Hampton Olivia!" He says while whispering and screaming quietly, is he reading my mind or something "How'd you know my full name?" I ask "Uhm, obviously because your the most famous person in the whole world and also the most richest celeb and has the title of America's Angel and is a VSM model?!" He says like it's so obvious and i just hum "Now, stop dodging the question and answer me" He says sternly and i sigh in defeat "Ugh fine, i think i'm growing feelings for Harry, but it's just a crush and i'll get over it"I say like it was no biggie, it isn't right? And i see Louis smirking "How will you get over it if you'll see him for 2 months straight or so? And FYI, Harry likes you too" He says and i laugh bitterly "Haha! I'm not falling for that Louis, we all know that Harry does not like me, stop joking around" I say while rolling my eyes and leaning on the headboard "Fine, but i know it" He says while chuckling "Ugh, fine i'll believe you if you prove it to me" I say "Okay, i'll prove it to you, tomorrow" He says and continues "If Harry asks you out on a date then i win" He says while smirking "Okay, fine" I say agreeing "I'm starving" I say while Louis just chuckles "Louis, get me food" I say whining like a baby, "Fine, your lucky your the Dawn Olivia" He says and i stick my tongue out to him playfully to him while he opens the door and he does the same to me before closing the door again.

"Here's your food Dawn" He says while handing me a cheeseburger "Aww! Thanks! I haven't had a cheeseburger in months!" I say and he looks at me questionably and i swallow the piece on my mouth before talking "I'm a VSM model as what you said, so they never allow us to eat in fast food chains" I say and he nods "Well I'll continue with my nap" he says while walking to the door "Good Night! " He greets "You too! And thanks" I say whispering because Harry was still sleeping though he already changed positions so he was now in a scooping position scooping my pillow.

Chances (Harry Styles)//h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora