Serious Time

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So I might make a sequel and all that crap and stuff, keep readin' guys!! Means a lot, might update tomorrow!! 💕💕-Elise🙃

Harry's P.O.V

"So, erm how do i start this? Look i am really sorry about earlier i just forgot that you were in our room" I said to Dawn while staring at my feet then i felt her hands on both of my shoulders "It's fine Harry, what was seen cannot be un-seen" She says chuckling "So uhm, do you wanna get breakfast again with me? But with the boys this time?" I ask "Yeah, sure let me just get some shoes." She says and i just nod and sit at the edge of her bed while she gets black pumps and wears it. "Shall we?" I ask when she's done wearing her heels "We shall" She says and giggles, gosh her giggles are so cute then she quickly gets her white purse and places her phone inside. I text the boys to meet us in the hotel lobby and after 10 mins. or so waiting for the boys they finally show up. "We were waiting for Louis" Niall says and we all nod and we used the back door because we weren't in the mood to see any paparazzi. There was a black van waiting for us and John was there whom was the driver of Dawn so we rode the ban and all of us greeted John and i sat in-between Louis and Niall, while Liam was sitting beside Dawn in the back.

We went into this small cozy cafe. "I'll go order, text me what yah' guys want" Dawn says to us and the 3 boys sat down in this round table "I'll come with you" I say and she just nods, after getting the orders we go back to the table. After eating and talking for a while Louis offered to pay the bill even if all of us insisted. We went back to the hotel and i told Dawn to get ready for our date today and to wear a bathing suit, so Louis helped me out with the planning and things then we came with a brilliant plan which was i will bring her to a nice beach then we would hangout there then we will go back to the hotel and change to fancy clothes because i will be bringing her to a fancy Italian restaurant which a lit of celebrities go to. It's great! Obviously it is. I knocked on her door and i saw Dawn in denim shorts which weren't very short which was good because it always occurs to me that i actually don't like it when girls show to much and she was wearing a long sleeved crop top and she was wearing white converse, and she was holding a white tote bag. "You look gorgeous" I say to her and she blushes, it's nice to know that I have and effect on her "You do!n't look so bad yourself" She chuckles, i love the sound of her giggles and chuckles, i think i am starting to act like a guy daydreaming about their crush. "Shall we?" I ask while looking at her beautiful face "We shall" She says and while nodding, "So where are we going?" She asks once we enter the black car i borrowed from management since I didn't want the driver driving us. "That is for me to know, and for you to find out love" I say and she sighs in defeat and i just laugh at her.


Chances (Harry Styles)//h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora