Date 2

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Harry's P.O.V

Some were paps were screaming "YOU CAN DO WAY BETTER DAWN!" "WHY ARE YOU DATING A MANWHORE?!" To my surprise Dawn talks back "Harry is not a manwhore for your information" She snaps at them and she pulls me into the Italian Restaurant, we walk to the table and we greeted the people who we knew, who were Beyoncè and Miley Cyrus. "Harry are you 'kay?" Dawn asks me and i just nod, those comments of the paps just couldn't get out of my head. All the people think about me is a player which was not even true this started happening when i started dating girls. "Harry you know that what they are saying aren't true right?" She asks while taking my hand then i just stared at her and didn't respond because mostly i don't know if i really am what they say as, i dated some girls and played with them so am i a manwhore? "Harry, answer me" She says not demandingly but sweetly and caring "Hello i am Will, and i will be se-" The waiter was cut off by Dawn "We will order in a minute, thank you" She says and Will just nods and shoos away "Harry, you know that i know that you are a great, caring, sweet, charming, talented, romantic guy" She says and i blush so hard, I AM BLUSHING?! "Tha-Thanks" I say stutter "Why don't we ignore them and eat a delicious meal in peace?" Suggests Dawn, and i nod in response. She raises her hand to signal the waiter and the waiter comes back to us "Uhm, i'll get the steak and i want it well done." Dawn says "I'll have the same" I say "How about drinks?" He asks "We will get the best bottle of wine" I say and he nods and leaves "Harry?" She calls out then i look at her and hum "Thank you" She says "For what?" I ask her curiously "For this, for everything" She says "No need to thank me Dawn it was my pleasure" I say to her.

After a delicious meal we had to leave because we had to get ready for the concert. We went to the stadium with the boys and Austin was already there, we started to get ready, "So uhm, how do i look?" Dawn asks, she was wearing i silver sequined cropped that fitted her very much making an outline for the breast, and silver sequined tight shorts that weren't too short with silver glittered pumps and her hair was curled perfectly "Y-You look gorgeous" I say and she blushes furiously "Yeah you look great Dawn" Austin says clearly balling his eyes out at the sight in front of all of us "You look gre-" The boys get interrupted by a phone ringing "Sorry, i 'll just take this" Dawn says while going back in her dressing room.

Dawn's P.O.V

Justin called and i answered:


J: Dawn? Why'd you end the contract?
D: We didn't want the contract anyways, aren't you happy that we won't need to act when the truth is were just both really good friends?
J: D-Dawn...I-I wanted to t-tell you s-something that i should have t-told you b-before...
D: Spit it out Justin, i'm listening
J: I like you
D: I know you do
J: No Dawn, i mean i like like you...I-I l-love y-you
D:What? I...Justin i don't know what to say
J: You don't have to say anything because you don't love me, I'm sorry that i made this more complicated
D: How long?
J: What do you mean howl long?
D: I meant, how long have you liked or loved me
J: Since we stared fake dating
D: So what we did...It wasn't an act for you?
J: No, it wasn't, i fell for you Dawn
D: I-I have to go, we have to start the concert
J: Bye Dawn
D: Bye Justin

End of convo

I was shocked, he was my friend, one of my best friends to be exact. All along it wasn't an act, not for him. I was interrupted by a knock on my dressing room door "Come in" I say then a curly haired, green eyed boy who i was falling for came in "You're on in ten" He said and i nodded to him "Are you okay Dawn?" He asks me while taking my hand in his, butterflies exploded because of his gesture "Yeah I'm fine"
I say, I wasn't lying because i was fine, but i am confused. He didn't push the subject which i was very thankful for because i don't want to rant right now, i stand up and we both exit my dressing  room. "Dawn your on on 5" Ronny says "Yep" I say while nodding at him.

After the concert Liam H met me backstage "You did great as always out there babe" He says while kissing me on the cheek "Thanks, i am great aren't i?" I say jokingly and he laughs sarcastically, we walk where all the boys were and they stared at me and Liam H while i say Harry tense up, hmm...Harry Styles jealous? "Boys this is Liam and Liam these are the One D boys" I say they all greet each other and all of us including Liam H.

I and Liam H went in my hotel room while the boys went to their own and Austin got his own room, "So when are you leaving for San Fransisco?" Liam "Erm, tomorrow evening" I tell him and he nods "So you and Justin broke up?" He asks and i look at him with a what-the-heck face "Oh...i meant you and Justin fake broke up?" He says emphasizing the word 'fake' and i just nod "I am staaarving!" I say dragging it out "Wanna get food?" He asks "Heck yeah!" I say and he chuckles, "I'll ask th boys if they want anything" I say to him once we were out of my hotel room "Yeah, will just eat at McDonalds, i'll wait here" He says and i nod at him as a response.

I went to Louis and Harry's room first "Hey, do you guys want anything in McDonalds?" I ask "Nope" Harry says "I don't really want to gain weight" He adds and sends me a cheeky smile "Louis?" I ask "A large fries" He says and i nod "Is that all?" I ask and he nods in my direction and says a thank you to me when i was about to close the door, i then went to Liam's and Niall's. "You guys want anything in McDonalds?" I ask "HELL YES! I want 2 double cheeseburger, 2 large frie-" He rants "Woah there Irish pants, that's a lot to memorize, why don't you just come with me and Liam?" I ask and he nods and skips happily to Liam H "Liam?" I ask him "No thanks" He says and i nod.

Chances (Harry Styles)//h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora