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Harry's P.O.V

After hours of rehearsals and meeting the family of Dawn who are the sweetest we finally we get to rest, though we leave for the tour tomorrow and we go straight to Miami. It's currently 1PM and the guys and Dawn are hanging out it her huge family room, Justin left a while ago which made me so happy.

We were watching a scary movie "Uhm, me and Niall will just get some food." Louis says and Dawns nods at him, the scene we were watching was when the 3 friends were in the room and the door knob was was moving "Uhm, guys isn't the door knob moving" Dawn says "Yah obviously you can see it" I say and i look at Dawn and she shook her head and i looked at where she was staring at, "Holy FUCK! It is moving!" I whisper "Is the door locked or something?" Liam says "No, the guys did not lock it when they left." Dawn says "I'm sure there is like, a good explanation for this." Liam says but you can tell he is very unsure, then the door creeks a little but open and we all hide except for Liam who gets a baseball bat which was near the tv and he goes closer to the door and bam! Water sprays all over him, WAIT? WATER?! "WHAT THE HELL!" Liam screams and we see Niall and Louis holding water guns and me and Dawn start laughing "You guys should've seen your faces on how you guys did not want to open the god damned door!" Louis says while laughing and crying tears of joy "Yah, it was so funny i kept on jumping up and down!" Niall says while both of them get in the room and me and Dawn sit back down on the couch beside each other and she leans her head on my shoulder, she just frickin' leaned on my shoulder, "Because of you i'm going to need to change." Liam says and glares at Niall and Louis "You need more clothes?" Dawn asks and he nods "I can get clothes myself." He say "My closet 2nd floor 5th rack 4th shelf" She says and he nods.

"Let's go clubbin' tonight"Louis says out of nowhere "It is going to be the start of the tour tomorrow" Niall says "Yah we should, you wanna come Dawn?" I ask "Hm, sure" She says "its already 4 so we should leave after Liam baths so we can get ready and we'll just meet you there, kay Dawn?" Louis says "Yeah 'course".


Dawn's P.O.V

I'm getting ready already and Harry already told me to meet them at this famous club downtown. I put my hair in a high and neat ponytail because i was too lazy to curl it. I placed sone mascara, blush on and lip gloss which has a light pink color and i wore my blue sequined dress that has no straps and reached the top of my knee and i also wore my white pumps which had spikes on the sides. It was already 8 and i had to meet them at 9 so i quickly left and said goodbye to Lucy.

After a night of drinking, well i and Harry and Liam didn't really drink but Louis and Niall definitely did, Liam, Louis and Niall were dead asleep in my couch and me and Harry were just in the floor watching tv "How are you?" Harry asks and i look at him weirdly " You know, i meant in general" He said and i nodded at him "I'm fine, actually i'm great!" I say and he chuckles, you know out of all of the guys, I always had this sweet spot for Harry "You?" I ask "In general you mean?" Harry asks and i nod "Well i'm great too" He says "But i'll be better if i were with you" He says but in a whispering way, What? I guess he never really meant for me to hear that or maybe i'm just hearing things i was interrupted when Harry started leaning in, are we about to kiss? then without knowing what i was doing i was leaning in too and suddenly i felt his plump lips on mine and we started making ou- "Uhm..." Liam says while staring at us and scratching the back of his neck and i and Harry broke away from our kiss "I-Uh-We" I stutter "Well i am going back to sleep now." Liam says and lies back down on the couch "Uhm, i'm so sorry" Harry says, guilt obvious in his eyes "No, were both sorry" I say "Well i'm going to sleep now" He says "But you won't get to fit in the couch anymore so you can sleep in one of the guest rooms" I say while getting up and he nodds and stands up too.

After showing him the guest bedroom where he'll be sleeping in I go back to my room and change to my grey sweater that also say my last name on it and then I slept like their was no tomorrow.

Chances (Harry Styles)//h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora