Chapter 5

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Aprils head bonked against the seat and woke her up instantly. She looked out the window and saw they were pulling into a carport next to a small but cozy looking shack. The car screeched to a halt and her mom and dad got out of the car and opened the back doors and the trunk. April yawned then she got out. Cecil immediately hopped out of the car and sniffed everything around him as he always did when he was in a new place. April went to the trailer and took her two bags and suitcase with her. She looked up at the new house the rest of her life would be lived in. Right behind the house she could see, were tall mountains. April immediately knew she was in the neighborhood her aunt used to live in. April rolled her suitcase to the porch and her dad opened the door for her. She walked inside. Based from the outside it would look to be small but the inside looked very big! April climbed the stairs heading to spot her room. Upstairs there was a medium length hall. There were four doors, two on each side. April immediately recognized her room based on the fairy like letters that read April. She opened the door and gasped.

There was a bed, a desk, closet, and stool. Her parents had probably done this to make her feel more at home. April rolled her suitcase near her desk. She would unpack later.

She went downstairs and saw her parents getting boxes out from the trailer. April ran to the trailer and picked up a box to bring inside. Instantly her father grabbed it from her and tsked playfully.

"April Mari Dublin! How dare you try to help move things in while there's so much more to explore! Now run along!"

April giggled."Alright dad!" April ran back in the house. What else was there to explore! In the corner of her eye she spotted a glass sliding door probably leading to the back yard. She yanked the door open. The back yard was beautiful. All along the wooden fence in the back, were tall vine line plants. There were two paths to take. The left had a stone staircase leading to a small playground. The right had a little garden and path and on this hill it led to another smaller hill which had a great big oak tree on it.

April climbed the stairs to the tree and looked up. It was perfect. She gracefully jumped up the tree and scrambled branch to branch as high as she dared. She always loved climbing trees when she was little. Even Isabell said she should be called TreeJumper. April made it a little more than half way up the tree and waited watching the sunset.

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