Chapter 2

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April woke up to the loud beep of her purple alarm clock.

"April!Come down for breakfast!"She heard her mother say.

"Coming!"April grumbled sleepily.

April slowly walked down stairs and sat in her seat.April's mother set two waffels on her plate.

"Remember today you wanted to play with Isabell?"

"Yeah I know."April said as she squirted surup all over her waffle.

"When you're done here turn off the lights and get ready to go to Isabell's house."

"Okay,I will."

April finished up her waffle, switched the lights off,and ran upstairs to her bedroom.Cecile was asleep on her bed and lightly barked when she entered.

"Hey Cecile.I'm just going over to Isabell's today"

Cecile looked up then put his head down again and fell asleep.

"I guess you aren't interested,but that's okay."

April slid her shirt on,pulled her old green stained jeans on,walked downstairs to put her safety clothes on,and went outside.She skipped over to Isabell's house and knocked on her door.Isabell answered the door and said for April to come in.

"Hey April!"Isabell said."Today I have everything planned out!"

"Okay.What are we doing first?"

"I want to give you stuff I made:First I want to keep in touch with you so I made you a phonebook with my phone number,my email and of course a little picture of me so you will remember me."

The phone book was decorated with flowers and the picture showed Isabell with a sun dress on and her long dark black hair braided into a giant braid that stretched all the way down to her stomach.

"Thank you so much Isabell! I love it!"

"Remember that's not all I did! Second I made a sundress for you that matches mine in the picture! Isabell said as she held up a red and orange sundress with flowers on it.

"Go and try it on April! I'll change into mine too!"

"Okay!"April answered

April walked over to Isabell's bathroom and pulled the dress over her head.She looked exactly like Isabell only that her hair was gold.April stepped out of the bathroom,headed back to the living room and saw Isabell already changed into her dress.

"We look exactly the same....well almost!"

"I have one more thing okay?"

"Okay!What is it?"

"I made friendship jewlery and friendship cupcakes!"Isabell said as she pulled some cupcakes from her oven.

The cupcakes were chocolate with pink icing on top.Atop the icing there were lots of candy flowers.

"Wow,they look really good!"

"Yep!Also heres the jewlery!she said as she pulled out matching bracelets,earrings,and necklaces.

"Cool!"April said as she put the pretty jewlery on.

"Now that I gave you all the things I wanted to give you It's time to have fun!"

Isabell and April played tons of games such as:Blind man's Bluff,20 Questions,Story Swaps,and other fun games.Soon it was time for April to go home.

"Bye Isabell!"April said as she squeezed Isabell as tight as she could.

"Bye April!I'm gonna miss you a ton!"

April gave Isabell one more hug then opened her front door.She walked home and went up into her bedroom.She did not want to leave Isabell but she had to. April was also kind of excited because she would discover new adventures on her way. Besides,April loved adventures.

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