Chapter 10

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Aprils eyes shot open. For some reason her right arm ached almost like tiny knives were sticking out of it unable to be pulled out. She winced and cradled her arm. The sudden movement of that made her dizzy. Clutching her finger to her temple, she looked around. Layers of dark thick forest surrounded her. A while ago it was day, but why was it night here? Also, where even was she? April stood up shivering. She had to find some way to get out of here. Her luck faded as soon as it started to rain. April trudged forward as the wind blew against her making it more difficult.

After a long while, the trees started to grow thinner and thinner. In the distance April saw the silhouette of a tiny...cabin? A light of hope flickered inside of her. She ran through the mud clutching her arm gently. As April neared the cabin she was starting to make second thoughts. It was run down and had the big blocky letters of The Shack of Secrets (NO REFUNDS!!!). This must have been an old store. At least it was better then nothing. She stepped onto the porch cautiously and it gave a tiny creak. After realizing it could carry her whole weight, she went inside.

It was very dark and musty inside. April looked around and there were different types of merchandise like caps, survival kits (far too broken for use), and snacks that looked occupied by some bacteria and fungi. There was also a cracked picture frame on the wall that showed a very happy family. There was a mom a dad, what looked like a grandpa, and two kids a boy and girl. The boy looked about seven while the girl looked three. Whatever happened to this happy family?

A hand grabbed Aprils right arm roughly and twisted it to her back while pinning her to the wall. She screamed in pain. Her arm was already worn out and this only made it worst.

"State your name and business!" A gruff voice yelled from behind her.

"April D-dublin! I-i fell into this weird portal and ended up here trying to get out of the storm." 

The grasp on her arm loosened a bit. "So you're the one, eh?"

"W-what?" April stuttered confused turning her head to look at a lanky old man. He had a square like face with an unshaven stubby beard. He had an old business suit on with a blue shopkeeper hat that was slightly torn. In his other hand, there was a short cane with a rusty golden question mark at the tip. He must've owned this shop!

"The one who's gonna get us outta this mess!" He said like it was obvious.

"Oh no...You've the wrong person. I should get parents are...waiting for me! Yeah they're waiting for me." April said nervously.

"Even I know what lies are, April. Here. Lets go patch that arm up of yours." He chuckled.

"Fine...but on one help me get back home immediately after." April stated stubbornly.

" 'fraid that cannot be done, missy. Our towns in trouble and the one who wields red blood will save us."

April shot a confused face, but played along." blood isn't red!!!" April lied looking as sincere as she could

"I already told you I knew what lies are!" He said pointing to a scratch on her cheek with red blood running down her neck. He rubbed his eyes tiredly. April sunk down embarrassed from her nonsense.

" Look. We'll talk while I'm patching you up. Don't worry you'll understand everything by the time we're done." April nodded shyly without saying a word and followed him into the what seemed to be the kitchen. There was a small round table in the kitchen with a dying candle placed near the middle. The man got out a first aid kit. And starting doing his work. He started telling her everything she needed to know.

" Well it was exactly a year ago that I was running a busy shop called the Shack of Secrets. It was a good business and tourist trap. Everyday I would get just enough to put food on the table for my niece Olympia and nephew Oliver. Their parents had lost their home and had no choice but to leave the kids here with me. It was the only way to get a new house without "disruptions". We had such a fun time, the kids and I. Until near the ending of the summer, very powerful evil spirits and souls took over our town of Myrtle Springs. My niece and nephew went missing just on the day the war broke through. My coworker, Mareena, and I have been trying to find them, but we just can't. It's just been a wreck and the survivors don't know what to do. One faithful day, one of the souls felt sorry for us and made a prophecy that hope might come from the one who wields red blood. We have been waiting ever since. Finally, you have come!" April felt bad for the people of this town and wanted to help.

"How do I help?" April asked.

"You must try to track down where the monsters lair is and where they have hidden my niece and nephew. Then they will tell you what to do next." He said with hope lingering on his voice. April nodded. It seemed like a lot but she knew she had to help them.

"Also, I have two more questions. What is your name, and what color is your blood?" April interrogated. He chuckled.

"My name is Franklin. Frank for short. Our blood is colored maroon. Let me just say that it was strange to see red blood. Very strange..." Frank added thoughtfully. "Oh also, this might help you. It's a journal my nephew made during his time at the shack. Me and Olympia always thought he was a nerd,but I guess it will pay off now. It's full of different mythical creatures he had discovered and researched about. I'll just say...Myrtle Springs is a very mysterious place!"

April laughed and took the journal rubbing her fingers over the sewn leather cover. This adventure was going to be interesting...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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