Chapter 6

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The sweet aroma of bacon and waffles filled April's room. Aprils mom always baked special things on special occasions. April got out of bed and immediately went to the family laptop which with permission got to stay in her room because her father had gotten a new computer to replace it. She sat down on her rugged swivel chair and went to her email. There was a new message from Isabell. It read:

Dear April,

Hey how are you April? You've only been gone for a day I know but i just miss you so much! You might not believe this but just this morning, a family of four moved into your old house. A girl our age was part of that family. Her name is Brooke and she has a little sister named Prim. I was the first to meet them. They are so nice! I'm already friends with her! Wish you were here!

Love, Isabell

April smiled. She was glad that Isabell wouldn't be alone. All there was left to do was make sure that she herself wasn't alone. April replied:

Dearest Isabell,

I'm glad you've found a friend and you won't be alone from now on! I wish I could meet that girl! She sounds amazingly nice. This new house is cozy and all but still I don't feel the spark as much as I did before. Have you ever realized that house and home are so much different? A house is just a structure you live in. While a home is a place you can be yourself and love! I wish I could be back in my house home, but right now I'm in my house. Hope you well!

Love, April

April sent the email and got dressed. The scent of bacon was getting stronger and April couldn't fight it anymore. She hurried downstairs into the kitchen.

"Morning dad! Morning mom!"April exclaimed as she served herself some bacon. Instead of answering, April's mom just glared at her.

"W-what's the matter mom?" April studdered confused and nervous. Whenever her mother gave her that look, April knew she was in trouble.

"April," her mother started "I know you meant well but yesterday I saw you climbing the tree....without your safety clothes!!"

April had soon realized this. She had forgotten about the one thing her mother was paranoid about.

" I'm sorry mom it won't happen again!"April managed to get out.

The vein that poked from Rosemary's neck had fallen and she looked like the sweet mother she was at some times.

"Thank you April, now go and enjoy the waffles I made for this special occasion!"

April finished breakfast and went to her room. She had put up a calendar to keep track of everything. It was then that she realized school started in only a few days!  She had to get new school supplies for.....what was it again? Oh, Bronzwell Academy! April was excited to meet new friends so she wouldn't be lonely anymore. Even though before she moved it was summer, it was going to be fall very soon. After this small thought, April went outside and sat up on the small playground. Even though she had only arrived here yesterday, she had already organized everything in her treehouse/playground. She had put a throwaway plank on the wall for some shelves, and an old crate on the floor for a table. April took her sketch book down from the shelf and started drawing trolls. They were fun and easy because of their bulky body shape and narrowed eyes. April put the book down and thought a bit. Then she resumed drawing, but this time she drew two girls with their arms around each other.

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