Chapter 7

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It was the day before school and April had prepared everything in advance. She had her school uniform hung in her closet already and her backpack all prepped. Isabell always told her that she was a perfectionist but she didn't mind. After setting her backpack up, April rushed to her computer and checked her email. Isabell did email back! It read:

Yea I agree with you. Me and Brooke have an almost all day play date together! Sorry I've gotta run!

April replied:

Dear Isabell,
Yeah okay. I hope you have fun with Brooke and Prim. Ill see yah!
Love, April

April sighed. She was hoping that Isabell could have longer conversations with her but she guessed that she was busy. April got up and asked her father if she could go exploring the neighborhood.

"Just please, please, please remember to put your safety clothes on. Your might not be happy if you don't"He gave her a gentle but full of concern smile.

"Don't worry I won't forget again!" April replied joyfully. She slipped her safety clothes on and skipped out the door. The neighborhood was much more bigger than back where she came from. Instead of a normal straight street, these streets tilted down at both sides.

April went down the street to the left and saw a park with a girl swinging on the swings. She looked about one year older than April. Probably twelve. April went up to the girl and sat down on the swing next to her. There was an awkward silence until she spoke.

"What are you doing here?"she snapped while scowling. Her voice had a ting of a southern accent to it.

April ignored the rudeness. " Don't know. Probably the same reason you're here."

The girl glared at April but then retreated her gaze. She sighed. " So you're bored and have nothing to do to?"

April traced a figure eight in the wood chips below. "I guess so or I wouldn't have come here seeking someone to talk to"

The girl let put a small laugh and sighed again. "I haven't seen you around here before. Since when'd you get here? Yesterday?"

April nodded. "Yeah me and my family moved here yesterday. I'm not so sure if I'll get used to it!"

"Well I remember I felt that way when I first came here from Georgia. Me an my family. I'm an only child. My parents say I'm their prize Petunia!"

April smiled. "Wow that's a quite a travel! So is your name Petunia?"

"Nah no, it's Tunia. They just call me Petunia because it's quite close don't cha think?"

"Yes and wow that's a beautiful name. Mine's April. Just names after my grandma."

"Cool name. April. So are you going to Bronzwell Academy? Or Carter Academy?"Tunia asked.

"Bronzwell. I didn't even know there was a Carter Academy." April replied.

"Same here. Almost everyone want to go to Carter. It's where the cool kids go."

"Then I guess I'm going to the right school!" April chuckled.

The two girls told each other about their lives. April told about Isabell and safety clothes. Tunia explained that her younger sister, Lotus, had died in a fire when Tunia was five and Lotus was three. They had become good friends and April was finally happy she had someone to help her and guide her the right way. Then Tunia left because of time. April left a few minutes after. When walking home April had wondered why Tunia didn't go the way she said her house was. Instead, she had gone the other way towards a tiny path stretching into the dark night.

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