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Dinner was long and... eventful. Rumpelstiltskin kept cracking bizarre jokes that he seemed to think were hilarious.

After dinner was over, My dad led us to the parlour.

"Now, for the real purpose of you being here." Dad began. "You said you had a deal to offer me?"

Rumpelstiltskin chuckled and nodded enthusiastically.
"I can help you with your problem... on one condition!" he said, giggling.

Dad rolled his eyes. "Just get to the point, Rumpelstiltskin! I've dealt with you before." I looked at him. He's dealt with him before?
"No riddles, no subtlety, just straight forward, name your price!"

Rumpelstiltskin gave a fake offended face. "Why, you seem to think that I'm not trustworthy, "Prince Charming"!" He giggled, putting emphasis on his nick-name.

My fathers face darkened. That was my mothers nick-name for him. His mouth opened to say something, but he never got a chance to. Why? Because he was interrupted.

Interrupted by the man who I had no idea was about to change my life permanently. In more ways than one.

Well, not the man himself, but his crew, were the ones to interrupt us.

"RUMPELSTILTSKIN!" An old, round man with a snowy white beard, a blue and white striped shirt, and a red hat barged in, pointing his sword towards us, a good fifteen men following behind.

"WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?!" my father roared, causing my heart to beat fast. He only yelled like that when going into battle. This wasn't going to end well.

"Rumpelstiltskin, by order of Captain Hook, follow us if you wish to live!" the man stated.

Rumpelstiltskin fell into a fit of giggles.

"GO BACK TO YOUR SHIP!" my father yelled.

The man in the red hat made a signal to one of his men, and the man came forward to my father, and without saying a word, he pulled out a sword.

"NO!" I yelled in panic.

The man looked at me and then back at the man in the red hat, who shook his head briefly. The man next to my dad flipped his sword over, caught it by the blade, and before my father could react, he stumped my dad with the holt of his sword and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

I will admit, my reaction was not how I expected.

I gathered all the concentration I could and fired my magic at the man who knocked out my dad. He fell to the ground, but then quickly stood up again. Damn me and my non-controllable magic!

I decided to go for something more basic. I twisted my fingers in one quick move, and his sword was in my hand. I ran towards the man, and in my anger, I scraped the sword right across his face. His face snapped to the side, and a red line appeared below his eye, the redness slowly dripping down his cheek.

Before I could say anything, someone had wrapped their arms around me and threw me over their shoulder violently. The sword that I had held in my hand dropped to the floor with a loud clatter. I screamed for Rumpelstiltskin to help but he just stood there giggling. I struggled all I could, but the man's grip on me was too powerful, too strong. I felt a tear form in my eye when I saw my father lying on the floor, his body almost seemed lifeless.

I saw the man in the red hat run forward to Rumpelstiltskin urgently, ready to stab him. But just as the tip of the blade was about to touch Rumpelstiltsink's chest, the green goblin who I had taken such a disliking to, disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

I felt a bag being pulled over my head and a great bang of pain.

That was the last thing I remember from that event.

* * *

I woke up in an uncomfortable bed with a thin mattress. It creaked loudly whenever I moved. My head hurt badly, but that didn't matter once I remembered what had happened to my dad.

I stood up, only to fall down again. The wooden room I was in seemed to be rocking. I looked out of the small window that was positioned just above my bed. All I could see was the ocean.

Suddenly, a memory of someone saying something flashed into my mind.

"Rumpelstiltskin, by order if Captain Hook, follow us if you wish to live!"

Captain Hook. Captain. Rocking. Sea.

Crap. I was on a ship.

Panic rose in my cheat and I burst out of the room. There was a long hallway with wooden stairs at the end. The floor creaked as I struggled to run across it. I stopped and kicked off my heels before continuing. I paused just before the stairs, as there were numerous amounts of swords hung on the wall. I grabbed one in my right hand, picked up the end of my puffy, purple dress with my left, and hurriedly ran up the stairs. At the top, there was a wooden door, which someone cared enough to lock.

I strained my memory, trying to remember what Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather had taught me about opening doors with magic.

"Think about your reason for getting through. Focus on the importance of opening that door."

I did this, as hard as I could, my eyes closed tight. I heard the click of the lock opening, and opened my eyes in delight. Had I done it? Had I finally mastered that spell?

The door swung open, and there was a tall, bulky man on the other side. My heart sank. Nope, I hadn't done magic. He had just opened the door.

The man looked surprised to see me, and I took that to my advantage. I elbowed him in the stomach, winding him. He bent over, grabbing his stomach in pain, and I used this time to stab his arm with my sword. When he grabbed it, I kicked him over, and he fell to the ground, squirming in pain.

The brightness of the sun almost blinded me in comparison of the dark hallway I had just been in. I looked around desperately, only to find that surrounding the wooden ship was sea, sea, and more sea.

"No!" I yelled desperately.

"Woah, woah, woah!" I heard a man's voice from behind me.

I looked up at the quarterdeck. There was a tall man in a long leather coat, a sword in his scabbard, tight leather trousers and a red vest. He had short, messy dark brown, almost black hair, that ran down to his chin in the form of stubble. His eyes, blue as the darkest part of the ocean, stared at me with an amusing glint in them, while his lips turned up into a smirk. His right eyebrow pointed into a forty degree angle, and I could tell he was greatly entertained by my confusion.

But the thing that caught my attention most of all, was that in the place where his left hand should've been, there was a clean, silver hook.


Yay! Captain Hook has finally come into the story!

I hope that you all learned a little more about Emma in this chapter, that's really what I was aiming for.

Please feel free to give me some feedback and to make my day by clicking on that little star!

Love and lots of swords,

Ps: If you are unfamiliar with the TV show Once Upon A Time and you want to know how I picture theses characters, read the cast. If you search up their names with "once upon a time" after, you will see them how I imagine them in the book. If you think some of them look like they are different ages to how I made them in this book, it's because I made them different ages in this than they are in the show.

I hope that made senseXD

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