Twenty Nine

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I yanked his sword out of my shoulder with a heavy sting before looking up to see who his murderer was. My jaw fell as I recognised the figure before me.

Emma's POV

I heard the clash of swords from behind the thick, wooden door. I sat against it, my legs hanging off the edge of the creaky stairs before me. I was staring at nothing, just thinking about the possibilities of what could happen out there.

My hand reached up the my chest as I remembered the hard, blue diamond that was chained around my neck. I fiddled with the chain and it's diamond, remembering Killian and I's immature teasing. I felt a weak smile appear on my face.

I choked down tears as I heard yells and screams from outside. I had already tried opening the door with magic, but I was in no position to do so, as it just made me collapse, weak and sad. I had only just stopped sobbing loudly.

I sat, trying to think of anything except what was going on out there. Then I remembered; we brought all of the Lost Boys back to the ship. How did they get back to Pan? I would have to ask someone about that later.

My sword was lying at the end of the hall, as I had thrown it down in frustration just before collapsing into a meltdown of sobs. I closed my eyes as I twisted the big beautiful diamond between my fingers. I inhaled deeply, silently wishing that I could be at home with my mother and my father, just talking. That's all. Nothing special. I just want to see them again.

Just as I felt more tears start to form in my eyes, I felt the surface that I was leaning against fall back, and I collapsed onto the floorboards behind me. The  clashing of weapons and yelling of men grew louder, and I felt light, cold spits of salty water on my skin. Roland and William were standing above me, looking at me questioningly.

I shot up quickly, realising that I had just been let out. I quickly hugged and thanked the boys before leaping up to grab my sword from the end of the hall and ran back out again.

Boys and men were fighting mercilessly, there was blood everywhere. As I witnessed a boy being stabbed to death, I remembered that awfully satisfying feeling when I killed Felix, and horrible thoughts began welcoming themselves into my mind. But I shook them off just as quickly.

Soon, I spotted Hook, who was facing Pan. They seemed to be in deep conversation, and I was about to go over and interrupt when I noticed Pan swipe up his sword and begin to aim it at Hook. I was just about to scream when Pan jolted to the side, causing his blade to miss Hook's chest, but dig into his shoulder.

After tearing my eyes away from Killian's hurt face, I noticed Pan collapsing onto the ground with a tall figure behind him. I looked up to the figure to see the last person that I had ever expected to see again, let alone stabbing Pan.

Suddenly, Pan's corpse was enveloped in a thick cloud of black smoke and it disappeared into nothing.

I ran over to Killian, in spite of my utter confusion. He grunted in pain as he grasped his wounded shoulder.

As I ran towards Hook, I noticed the Lost Boys dropping their swords before vanishing in thick, black smoke, much like Pan did. Well, all the boys except one.

I squatted down beside Killian, who had collapsed onto the floorboards.

"Hey." I whispered with a small smile. "You okay?"

"What the bloody hell are you doing here, Swan, I thought I locked you up in the hall?!" It was evident that he was angry, and his harsh tone made yet another negative lump form and knot tightly in my chest.

"You knew I wanted to fight." I whispered back, still squatting beside him. "I just wanted to help you."

"Yeah, 'cause worryin' me half to death is great help." He spat quietly. I began to grind my teeth together in anger, and I stood up from my squatting position. This conversation was so not over.

I looked up to the remaining Lost Boy who stood where Pan did only moments ago. His tall figure formed a dark shadow beneath him, hiding his facial features. But I didn't need to see them. I knew who it was.

I was about to say something to the figure when I heard a piercing scream from outside the hall. My head jolted to the boys. My heart sank with a large pang when I saw William with a long sword sticking out of his chest, the hilt on the other side.

"WILLIAM!" I screamed before running over to him. The other boys were either staring in shock, confused, or screaming loudly.

The boy began to slowly lose consciousness as I ran, and just as I got to him, he fell backwards. I caught him in my arms and looked at him hopefully.

"William?" I sobbed, shaking him slightly. It was then I noticed that his eyes were unmoving and his skin had grown considerably paler.

"WILLIAM?!" I screamed, shaking him in my arms. He remained still.

I felt uncontrollable tears race down my cheeks as I sobbed loudly. Soon Oliver, Roland and Marcus had joined me in crying.

I can't do it anymore. I've lost too much. I can't do it. I've just lost too much.

The thoughts circled in my mind as I held the boy's corpse close to my chest while gently rocking back and forth. My loud sobs soon became silent, but the boys' cries remained. 

Hook's POV

Emma rushed over to the boy desperately, but I knew it was too late. She held onto the dead child like he was a lifeline. Her and the other boys all cried loudly.

I looked over to the boy in front of me. The one remaining Lost Boy.

"What the bloody hell have you done, Felix?" I spat darkly.

"Just teaching someone a valuable lesson." He said obnoxiously. "A lesson that teaches what happens when you try to . . . kill me."

He nodded towards Emma as he said "kill".

"She . . . killed you?" I questioned.

"Let's just say that living in Neverland and being Peter Pan's 'Right Hand Man' pays off." He explained. I nodded slowly.

"So . . . why the bloody hell would you kill your precious Peter Pan?!" I spat angrily and confused.

"Because . . . I was nothing more than a slave to Pan. I never did anything I wanted to do, and I'm pretty good at making plans." He looked into the black, distant ocean as if recalling the awful experience.
"All I ever wanted was to be able to wield magic. I thought that if I was loyal to Pan for long enough, he would have given me what I wanted." He ground his teeth together.
"Four hundred years." He almost whispered. "I waited four. Hundred. Years. Nothing. But, thanks to Emma over there, I learned a valuable lesson. If you want something done . . . do it."

I clenched my jaw and glared at him.

"So, yeah. Sorry for killing your little baby friend, but I really best be practicing my new-found magic." His tone was mocking and obnoxious. He himself was suddenly clouded in the same black smoke before vanishing from sight.


Short(ish) chapter, but hey, you found out who the murder was!

For those of you who thought it was Emma, I have something to say to you: Teehee!

What do you think of new Felix? Is he being genuine? What's going on behind the scenes? Guess you'll have to wait to find out!


Please vote and comment your thoughts if you wanna make me smile!!!

Love and more losses,

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