Twenty Seven

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Meme is kinda random and has nothing to do with this chapter but I'm running out so oh well.

Also, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just started my Christmas assessments in school, which means study . . . and lots of it! Wooh! (Note the sarcasm).

Anyways, I finally have it finished, so . . .

Emma's POV

Killian jumped out of the bed, as if realising something. A cold chill replaced his presence beside me. In panic, he began racing around the room and pulling on his clothes.

"Wh- . . . " I stuttered. "Where's the fire?"

"I just remembered . . . " He said while looking desperately for his top. "Pan said we had to be gone by dusk or else . . . "

"Or else . . . " I sat up slightly, pulling the covers with me.

"Or else . . . I don't know or else! But with Pan, it's never good!" Killian frantically tugged his black top on tightly.

"Alright. Well, what time is it now?" I asked, a little less concerned than I probably should have been.

Killian let out a sarcastic chuckle at my question.

"What?" I asked, sounding as confused as I was.

"There is no time in Neverland." He reminded me while buttoning up his red vest after tucking his top into his black leather trousers.

"Okay, whatever." I rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean."

He stumbled hurriedly over to the bullseye window (A/N: thank you to @RoseWalker02 and @Killian_Emma for the names for those windows!!!) and peeked out from under the thick piece of fabric he used as a curtain, blocking any light to come into the room. The lamp on his desk was the only thing keeping the room from being too dark to even see.

"Bloody hell." He whispered, staring out the window.

"What?" I asked, growing a little concerned at his furrowed eyebrows.

"It's almost completely black out there. But that's not the worst of it." He looked back at me, allowing the "curtain" to fall swiftly over his small window. "We're too late. They're already on their way."


Hook had already gone up to the deck about ten minutes before I was ready to join him and the rest of the crew. By the time I got up, Killian was busily preparing the ship for a fight. He stopped what he was doing when he saw me and ran towards me.

He held my hand tight as if afraid of losing me. I couldn't see much of his face in the dark, but I could see that his thick eyebrows were furrowed tightly.

"Swan." He said gently, his voice shaking slightly. I smiled softly, but I knew that whatever was coming next wasn't going to be good. "You're not going to like this . . ."

I raised my eyebrow questioningly.

"I need you to go below deck, and no matter what you see or hear, you have to stay down there." He ordered stubbornly, but his tone was still slightly unsteady.

"Are you insane?!" I almost yelled. "I'm the best swords-person on this ship! You need me here, and I am not leaving!"

"Swordsmanship isn't exactly a key ingredient in defeating Pan!" He insisted, his tone slowly growing more persistent. He still squeezed my hand tightly. "It's too dangerous! Even for me."

There was a pause and I stared stubbornly into his eyes. They were pleading, like he was begging me to do as he requested. But I stood my ground.

"No." I said simply, and began to walk towards the other crew members, who were hurriedly readying themselves for a battle.

But Killian never let go of my hand. His grip was firm and strong, and I struggled desperately. Before I knew what was happening, I felt a hard tug on my arm and I was forced to spin around to face Killian. But I hardly had time to even look at him before he yanked me forward, crashing his lips onto mine. Yes, we had kissed before. But this one . . . this one was different. Different . . . in an amazing sort of way. I melted into the kiss, completely forgetting about everyone and everything around me. In fact, I was so focused on the feeling of his lips on mine that I didn't even notice him spinning me around so that my back was facing the door to below deck, and I barely noticed when he pushed me into the hall.

"I'm sorry." He said onto my lips before quickly tearing away and locking the door behind him, leaving me in the dark.

"NO!" I yelled, after getting my senses together. I banged clenched fists on the wooden door. "NO! LET ME BACK OUT! I CAN FIGHT! I CAN SURVIVE! PLEASE!"

The ghost of Killian's lips still remained on mine, and as I pressed my back to the door and slowly slid down it until I was sitting in a ball, I thought about that amazing kiss. The sincerity of it . . . the love in it.

It's way too soon to know that it's love, Emma, I thought to myself. Don't get carried away.

But even so, as I thought more and more about that kiss, I tipped my finger off my lips as if to make sure that the ghost wasn't actually there. I couldn't help but recognise the meaning of it.

It was a goodbye kiss.


I know this chapter was super short but I just thought that ending was perfect, and I didn't want to ruin the evil little cliffhanger 😏.

Please vote if you enjoyed and comment you thoughts if you wanna make me smile!!!

Also, any Christina Perri fans out there who wanna fangirl with me??? I don't know anyone in person who's as big into her as I am, and it's hard, not having anyone to scream with over her beautiful voice. (#firstworldproblems)

Anyways . . . yeah!

Love and penguins🐧,

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