Twenty Three

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Motivation right there^^/>>

Emma's POV

I was forced to sleep for the rest of the night, though all I wanted to do was go out and look for Roland. The crew promised me that we would make a plan in the moring, but I couldn't stop thinking about that poor little boy.

I barely slept a wink. My heart was full of worry. Though still dark and gloomy, the sky was slightly lighter. I knew it was morning.

I shot up and woke everyone in the camp. They all moaned groaned at the thought of getting up, but I kept at them until they were all on their feet.

We ate hardtack for breakfast - not a pleasant thing to wake up to - and as soon as everyone was finished, we began putting together a plan.

"We'll split into different groups, each going in a different direction." I suggested energetically, while everyone else was still struggling to keep their eyes open. We were sitting in a circle in the middle of the clearing, all of our shelters and supplies packed away. The boys were still sleeping in the middle of the circle so we could make sure they were safe.

"At least one of the groups is bound to find Pan's camp." I continued.

"'Old on." A man named Lucas interrupted in a rough English accent. "'Ow would we le' each other know tha' we found i' if we're spli' up?"

"Uhhh . . . " I thought hard, not coming up with any results. My head bent back in frustration as I sighed. Then I noticed a crow flying overhead.

"That's it!" I exclaimed.

"Tha's wha'?" Lucas asked.

"We can send each other messages!" I said excitedly. They all exchanged confused looks.

"My mother taught me how!" I said before standing up.

I whistled the same short tune over and over until a bluebird flew down onto my shoulder.

"Now, I would write a message on a piece if parchment, tie it to the bird's ankle and send it to find the person I want to get the message to." I explained, before telling the bird to fly away again.

"So, who can whistle?" I asked the group. Only a couple raised their hands.

"Okay. There has to be one whistler in each group, so . . . you guys'll lead." I explained. "So, try whistling this;" I said, before repeating the short tune.

They struggled for a while but eventually managed to get the tune, and a bird landed on each of their shoulders.

"Great!" I said before walking over to one of the bags, pulling out some parchment.

"If we split into four groups, then each of you has to take three pieces of parchment" I commanded. "Draw the map of each and every turn you make from the here, then a circle where Pan's camp is, if you find it. Then send three different birds with a message each, tell them who to look for. They'll know."

Everyone nodded in understanding before we got ready to go.

My group took the boys as everyone agreed they couldn't split up, and that they preferred me to everyone else (or at least that's what they said - they could've just been trying to get out of having to mind them). Oliver and William walked, while Marcus was sleeping in someone's muscular arms.

We walked in silence for a long time. As we got farther away from the clearing, the trees became thicker again. I was one of three drawing out every step we took on the parchment, slowly creating a map. In order for our best concentration, everyone agreed they wouldn't say a word. As a result, it was eerily quiet.

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