Badass Girl

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I am so sorry for not updating!!!! I have just been so busy with school and exam studies sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Ziva's POV

I hate airplane flights. Bad memories of the time when I left America, and when he left me. I'm currently sitting on the white leather seats in Mossad's private jet on the way to America. My partner, Russell , is sprawled over his chair, his dark brown eyes fixated on the most annoying game flappy bird. I personally don't see the point in the game. We are flying to America to personally see the transport and protection detail of a group of people. Me and Russell have no idea who these people are or what agency they are from. I seriously hope it's not them, especially not since I made it obvious that I'd never go back to Mossad. The pilot suddenly bursts to life over the intercom that we are going to touch down in 2 minutes. I look down at my outfit and bite my lip. Will they notice that I have changed that much? I haven't actually seen them in 3 years. I'm wearing high waisted skinny black jeans, a strappy flowy black top that reaches the top of my jeans, just above my more defined hips. My black combat boots are laced tightly just before my knee and I have a thin black sports hoodie over my bare arms. I have my iPhone in my back pocket, my badge visible by the top of my jeans and my gun tucked next to it. The long brown hair that I used to have has been replaced by a much darker and thicker hip length hair with bright red highlights. My chestnut brown eyes are lined with thick black eyeliner and mascara but are covered by a pair of black ray bans (check image.)

Time jump too when they have landed

The airplane doors open and Russell immediately jumps up before sliding his ray bans on and grinning at me.

"Eager aren't we?" I smirk at him

"Slutty, aren't we badass Girl?" He smirks back at me, using his nickname for me. The nickname 'badass girl' came from when I managed to fight off 8 men in heels.

"You go first." I indicate to the window. He nods his head and starts to walk down the airplane steps. I adjust my sunglasses and made sure that my long hair was sprawled around my shoulders and back.

"Badass, you coming anytime soon?" I hear Russell yell and I get up before heading to the door. My boots are silent against the metal steps and I walk towards the group of people, eyes covered by my sunglasses. I look up. Them.

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