~Chapter 4~

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"Melissa leave! We do not wish your presents in the manor any longer! Severus has betrayed us and so have you!"

"How have I and Severus betrayed you?!"

"Severus was not supposed to care for you Melissa that is my job"  the voice paused then there was the sound footsteps they were moving away from me "AVADA KEDVRA!"

"No! Why did you kill him!" 

And that was all I remembered...


I woke up with a start, there sweat on my forehead and I was panting, I knew who got killed in my dream and I knew who killed him. My father killed Severus in my dream, in fact it didn't feel like a dream it felt like it was going to happen, and my dreams were giving me advice for the future. I knew what I had to do, if this was real I had to save Severus.

I put the thoughts out of my head and got changed into my usual black clothes, I shoved all my new belongings in my trunk (apart from my owl who was called Thea.) I heaved my trunk downstairs then grabbed Thea's cage. I saw my father looking at me laughing.

"What is it father?" I sighed

"Nothing, just a funny sight watching you trying to heave your belonging's down the stairs"

I really wanted to say 'oh very funny i'd like to see you carry a heavy trunk downstairs' but I held by breath because like I said I didn't want to be crucioed. But luckily Severus came down the stairs, he didn't talk to me he just help me move my trunk, I couldn't blame him for not talking to me, like my father said Severus musn't talk to me, otherwise he would be in a great deal of pain.

I gave Severus a look of thanks and I would of sworn he gave a small smile.

"Melissa you will be boarding the Hogwarts express at King's cross, Severus will apprate you there then apprate himself straight to the castle" at his last words my father grinded his teeth

"Ok then, shall we go Severus?" I asked politely

He nodded and held out his arm even though he was carrying my trunk, I picked up Thea's cage, and then Severus apprated.


When we arrived a King's cross Severus faced me

"I shouldn't of helped you then I know your father would be cross by now"

"I know, don't worry about it! We're going to Hogwarts! He can't hurt us there!" I was saying it to reasure him and myself, my nightmare was still buzzing in my mind.

"True...Ok Melissa you will find platform nine in this station then, you will look for the barrier, run through it and you will find the train" I nodded and hugged Severus, he pushed me away slightly and put his hands on my shoulders "and one more thing do not and I repeat not say your second name is Riddle, you should know why by now..."

"So what is my surname then?"

"You will take mine you will now me Melissa Snape, I will see you up at the school, when you arrive sit at the Slytherin table at the great hall, one of your teachers Professor McGonagall will call you up for you to be sorted into your proper house, but I do hope it's Slytherin..." There was a pause then he continued "right, good luck"

I nodded, Severus ran into a nearby alley way, and he must of apprated becausen when I went to look he had gone. I walked into the station and looked at the platforms I counted them until I saw platform nine. I saw the barrier and ran through it, sure enough there was the Hogwarts express. 

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