~Chapter 11~

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Later that day I sat in the Slytherin common room and read a book. Well truthfully I wasn't really reading the book I was just using it to cover my face whilst having an argument with myself on the inside:

Voice one: Go on! Tell Harry how you feel!

Voice two: No! He's the enemy! He defeated your father! Go out with Draco! He's the one for you!

Voice one: But he's going out with sour faced Pansy! How can you?

Voice two: Get Draco to notice you!

Voice one: But Harry's smart and loyal!

Voice two: But Draco is helping you spy on Harry!

It basically went on like that, it was so hard to choose, but Draco must of spotted me because he walked over and sat down next to me.

"Hey Melissa! You seem a bit quiet this evening, what's wrong?"

"It's n-nothing Draco" I stuttered

"Come on Melissa tell me" Draco said grabbing my hand

"I can't, it's something to do with you..." I bit my lip, I wish I hadn't o said that now

"Come on tell me, I won't be annoyed"

"You promise?"

"I promise"

"Ok, earlier today I was spying on Harry like I should be doing, and I sort of fell in love with him, but I knew I couldn't because of you, because I, I secretly love you, but I know I can't because your going out with Pansy"

Draco looked a bit shocked, I couldn't put my finger on which part of the story he was shocked about, me in love with him or me in love with Harry.

"Well" he finally spoke up, his voice was weak though "I don't think Potter is the best choice for a girl like you..."

"Well then i'm out of luck, go back to Pansy i'm sure she misses you..." I interrupted him

"Why would I do that when I am no longer going out with her?"

"What!? You are going out with her because you were with her just now!"

"That was just now..."

I was a bit shocked now, Draco had just dumped Pansy for me, oh wow! He loves me! In your face Pansy!

"What were you reading by the way?" He pointed the closed book, I had my hand covering the title

"Oh nothing, just quidditch through the ages"

"Really! Can I borrow it! All the copies are taken out of the library"

"You can have it, I was just using it to let myself have an argument with myself" I tossed him the book and he caught it 

"Thanks, oh by the way it's the first quidditch match of the season tomorrow and i'm Slytherin's seeker, want to come and watch me?"

"I would be delighted Draco, but I want to be away from Pansy, she might start a war with me"

"Ok then, we both better head up to our dormitories it's late"

"It is, see you tomorrow Draco"

"Goodnight Melissa"

We smiled at each other and made our way to our dormitories.

Melissa RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now