~Chapter 9~

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After breakfast I made my way back to the Slytherin girls dormitories, I grabbed my bag full of books, quills and parchment, I checked my timetable and it clearly stated that I had double potions. This should be interesting because Severus is a nice man, but I heard he is a cruel teacher.

I made my way down to the dungeons with Draco, luckily Pansy wasn't in this class so I could sit next to Draco. He seemed enthusiastic about letting me sit next to him. We took our seats, and I noticed that the Gryffindors took one side of the class and the Slytherins took the other. I have already guessed that Gryffindor and Slytherin are enemies, I have no idea why, but oh well...

Just then Severus strutted into the classroom, and people were right he is to fear in class, but I know the soft side of him, but I wouldn't dare show him up in lessons. Draco took out his cauldron, and I did the same, we both got out our textbooks and waited for the instructions.

"You will make a healing potion today, fail to do so and you have detention" Snape hissed, mostly at the Gryffindors, he can be fierce if he wants to...

Draco began to collect ingredients, I copied him because I had no idea what I was doing. When we arrived back at the desk, I looked in my text book and began to follow the instructions, they seemed very easy. After a while I was done, Severus walked over and studied the potion.

"Excellent work Melissa..." He whispered

I smiled, good thing to because that means i'm not getting detention, I looked to my right and saw Draco was struggling.

"Draco, stop let me help you" I said moving his hand out the way

"Please do, i'm confused" he smiled

I grabbed my textbook and scanned the instructions, I began to follow them and after a while Draco's potion was perfect.

"Thanks Melissa! Your really good for a person who's only just started in magic"

"Thanks, well it's just a case of reading instructions"

"I know, i'm not good with instructions"

Just then Severus appeared behind us, he studied Draco's work

"Good Draco, i'm surprised at your work"

"Well it wasn't me really it was..." Draco said but I put my hand over his mouth to stop him saying my name

Severus looked a bit confused but walked off, Draco removed my hand from his mouth and turned to me.

"Melissa? Why did you do that?" He asked

"I did that because I didn't want me taking the credit so you would get in detention for not doing your work"

"Oh, you think ahead don't you?"

"Yes I do, I do it all the time, I think my actions over before actually proceeding"

"I might have to do that in the future!"

I smiled, and he smiled back, after a while class had ended, and every just about managed to complete their potions hence the word 'just' me and Draco escaped class and went to our next lesson. We had defence against the dark arts, then it was divination and then transfiguration. They weren't that exciting but I payed attention.

But as well as paying attention, I was spying on Harry like my father had ordered. He wasn't doing anything just like everyone else in the class he was paying attention (well sort of.) But there was one thing I noticed that he did do which was different, he kept wincing and clutching his scar I had to write a letter to father immediately.

I ran to the common room, grabbed a spare piece of parchment, a quill and some ink, I quickly scribbled the letter down:

Dear Father

Today in the last lesson of the day (transfiguration) Harry Potter kept wincing and clutching his scar, it seemed ab-normal to me, so I thought I would let you know

Love Melissa x

I ran to where the owls were and handed Thea the letter, she took off for flight and I watched her go. I wondered what Father would say about Harry and his scar...

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