~Chapter 7~

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For me the train journey didn't last that long, it was quite relaxing actually. Draco bought some sweets from the trolley, for himself and me, Crabbe and Goyle had to buy their own out of the money they had scavenged. I went to a separate compartment and changed into my robes, and Draco, Crabbe and Goyle stayed in the same compartment. 

After a while the train pulled up, we were about to hop of when a thought appeared in my head.

"Draco! What about my owl and luggage! I forgot them!"

"Not to worry Melissa, they stay on the train and are bought to your dormitories later"

"Oh thank goodness"

Just as well because I wouldn't of been able to drag that suitcase up to the castle, it seems a heck of a long way! So we got into one of the carriages and it took us up to the castle, again it didn't take very long at all. 

We made our way to what Draco called 'the great hall' I didn't believe him at first but when we stepped in I was shocked. It was enormous, vast, massive and four long tables which each had the colour of either: green, red, yellow or blue. Draco led himself over to the green table which I guessed must be Slytherin.

I didn't particularly like the colour green, but oh well, it was Severus's house I had to learn to deal with it. I looked at other people's uniform, it was all the same except for the tie which was the same colour as the house. I didn't have a tie yet, but I was sure I was going to have when I got sorted into a house.

"Are you enjoying your experience so far?" Draco whispered so only I could hear

"Yes" I breathed "it's wonderful"

I would of sworn a little smile played at the corners of his thin lips. I looked over at the teachers table and saw Severus, I gave him a smile, he gave a small smile back, he looked relieved that I had made it to the castle. And as a matter of fact so was I.

Just then the great hall doors swung open, and a very very thin lady with a witches hat with feathers decorating it. Behind her were a bunch of frightened first years, they all looked very pale. When they arrived at the front the teacher grabbed a three legged stool and a filthy old patched hat. She made a list appear and began to speak.

"Now when I call your name, you will sit on the stool and I will place the sorting hat on your head" she began to call out names, most people went in Gryffindor, I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione cheering every time a first year got placed in their own house. I did the same when I first year was put in Slytherin, I might as well show a little bit of respect. But after a while it was my turn.

"Now we have a third year who has just joined us to be put into a house, Melissa Snape could you please come to the front" the teacher said

"Good luck" Draco said

I nodded and made my way to the front, Severus was watching my every move, which made me even more nervous. The teacher placed the hat on my head and it began to speak like it had to all the other students.

"Ah, Melissa, I know who you really are, I know your last name is Riddle, but I won't tell anyone, your real father did very well when he was at school, but so did your current guardian, and they were both in...SLYTHERIN!"

I breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down next to Draco, he handed me a tie exactly the same as his and I smiled, I just happened to glance opposite and see a sour faced girl, she was glaring daggers at me, literally.  

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