Wrong Way

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This chapter explains why the Doctor parked the the TARDIS the wrong way in the beginning of "Fear Her". Enjoy!


The Doctor and Rose came stumbling into the TARDIS and ended up falling on the ground from laughing so hard. Rose clutched her ribs and the Doctor had tears forming in the corners of his mocha brown eyes. "I can't believe that just happened!" Rose said, gasping to breathe. "I know," the Doctor wheezes. "It was so funny. That Nighdargxra wouldn't stop spinning! It couldn't! It's purple eyes were bulging out of its head." "So you went up to it an' tried to stop it an' then you started spinning wildly! It was the funniest sight, Doctah," Rose laughed, brushing a section of blonde hair away from her face. The Doctor wipes his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Anyway, Rose, where to next?" he asks. "Hmm.." Rose replies when she catches her breath, "How's about we go an' see London 2012?" "Alright, London 2012!" The Doctor flips the lever and grins. He goes over to Rose and helps her up off the ground. She gives him a warm smile and says, "I like being with you." "And I with you, Rose," the Doctor replies.

They stare into each other's eyes for a few moments before Rose leans forward and closes her mouth around the Doctor's. He kisses her back passionately and puts his arms around her. She runs her hands through his soft brown hair. They go at it more and more for the next couple of minutes, pausing only to stare lovingly at each other and to catch their breath. Rose takes his tie off and starts to unbutton his turquoise shirt that he's wearing under his pinstripe suit. The Doctor hears that the TARDIS has landed so he flips the lever to stop it, still with his eyes closed and his lips on hers. They pull away after a few moments and Rose starts to blush furiously when he looks down at the tie in her hand. The Doctor is wearing a dazed expression on his face but starts to smile at his Rose.

The Doctor clears his throat and walks (more like stumbles) over to the doors with a giant grin on his face. He opens them and is taken aback by the sight of a smelly, blue trash can against the doors. He closes the doors and turns back to Rose. "Nope, uh.. wr-wrong year," he stutters and his face turns red. He scratches the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact as he turns a rotating button to the north. Rose notices this and suppresses a laugh.

They stroll out the doors when it rematerializes. The Doctor looks sloppy with his messy hair and open shirt. Rose looks flushed and happy. They walk down a road with a banner hanging above that reads "London 2012". They grin at each other as they stroll along and share a laugh from the previous events that took place (the Nighdargxra spinning). They are walking intimately close, their bodies brushing against each other with each step.


In this moment, the Doctor and Rose Tyler are happily in love. They grin and laugh and walk closely to each other and they don't need three words to describe how they're feeling. They just know. In "The Impossible Planet", this is why the Doctor says, "If they get back in touch, if you talk to Rose, just tell her. Tell her. Oh, she knows," before he releases the last caribiner and falls into the blackness. Because it's moments like this one, when they're strolling through life together, grinning and laughing, and enjoying every moment of each other's presence, that those three words aren't needed. Those words can be seen just by looking at them. They can be felt when they hold hands. They're written in the stars. That's all the words they need. The silent ones shared only in their thoughts when they look into each other's eyes.




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