Don't Go Outside

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"Good morning, Rose! Did you sleep well?" The Doctor asks kindly. Rose nods her head and stretches while yawning. "Yeah, I did," she replies. "Good! So where do you want to go today? There's this planet called Vancor and it has the best fruit trees in the universe. The Vancoraks really tend to them well. You know, they've occupied that planet for over 4,000 years. Generations among generations have tended to the fru-" Rose cut him off, saying, "Doctor, it's my mum's birthday." The Doctor stopped babbling to look at his companion. "Oh. And you would like to visit her, right?" "Yes, if that's okay," Rose says, her mouth twitching into a smile. "Of course it is! I'll drop you off then and pick you up in a few days?" the Timelord says. Rose walks over to him and links her arm in his. "Doctor. You're coming too. I want you to. Please?" The Doctor's face flushes red. "I'm no fun at parties." "S'okay! There won't be many people there! Just my mum, Mickey, my aunt, and my gram," Rose replies. The Doctor opens his mouth to protest but doesn't say anything and finally gives in. Rose grins at him and says, "I'm going to get dressed. You might want to clean up a little too. Maybe change that tie or something....Nah, nevermind. You look perfect anyways." The Doctor quirks an eyebrow at her and she giggles.

Rose enters her room in the TARDIS and opens her closet doors. "Okay, give me something nice to wear please. Something yellow," she whispers to the blue box. The closet zooms through hundreds of outfits and stops at a yellow raincoat and boots. "No, not a raincoat! A yellow dress!" Rose yells at it. It zooms through again and stops at a plain yellow dress with short sleeves and a flattering neckline. "Thank you. That's perfect," she says to the TARDIS. Rose pulls the dress off the hanger and tries it on. She stands in the mirror, admiring her appearance. "This is a perfect fit!" She slips on some white flats and walks down the stairs to the console room. The Doctor looks up from the screen and gives her a goofy grin. "You look lovely. Come on, let's get to the party," he says, flipping the lever.


"Happy birthday, Mum!" Rose exclaims gleefully as her mother opens the door. "Rose! Hello, darling! I wasn't expecting you!" She says, giving her daughter a hug. "I couldn't miss your birthday, Mum," Rose replies. "And, hello, Doctor," Jackie says to the timelord standing awkwardly behind Rose. "Hello, happy birthday," he says with a grin. Jackie gives him a hug too. "Come on in! Put the gift on the coffee table," she says.

After everyone greets each other and the Doctor is introduced as John Smith, Rose's boyfriend, they sit down to have cake.
{A/N: No, the Doctor isn't actually Rose's boyfriend but they have to pretend for the Tyler family's sake and for the Doctor's sake of keeping his identity a secret. No use explaining to the aunt and grandmother that he's a 904 year old Timelord from the planet Gallifrey when they came there to celebrate Jackie's birthday, right?}

They sing "Happy Birthday" to Jackie and she blows out the candles. "If anyone asks, I'm only twenty-six," she remarks. The rest of them laugh. "Mum, what kind of cake is it?" "Vanilla, sorry, sweetheart. Didn't know you were coming otherwise I would've asked for chocolate," Jackie replies. "No, s'okay. It's your birthday cake, Mum. I'll just have a tiny slice," Rose says. "What's wrong with vanilla?" The Doctor asks Rose. "I don't like vanilla. Don't like it in cakes, ice cream, donut icing, anything. I'd much rather chocolate," Rose explains.


"Mum, read the card first," Rose says as her mother grabs her gift bag. Jackie reads the birthday card and starts to tear up. "Thank you, Rose. I miss you too, sweetheart." The Doctor looks at Rose with questioning eyes and Rose understands what he's asking. "No, I don't want to stay home. I'm homesick but I'd much rather travel with you, Doctor," Rose whispers. The Doctor smiles with appreciation.

During a game of Monopoly and chips, a loud crash is heard outside that shakes the whole table, making the Monopoly pieces fly all over the place. The Doctor gets up from his chair to look out the window. "Bad news, Rose." "What?" "I don't know. It looks like some type of gas." The Doctor hurries to the door, telling everyone to stay inside. "Wait! Do you need a gas mask?" Jackie says. "Pete used to work with some chemicals and always left his gas mask on the kitchen table. It's up in the storage closet now. Let me run and get it for you." She does this and the Doctor puts it on. "Are you my mummy?" He asks Rose and she laughs out loud. He takes a step outside and looks around. Nothing is around. Not a spaceship or anything in sight. He takes out his sonic screwdriver and buzzes it in the pale yellow gaseous air. "Fluorine. Highly poisonous. Can explode. Will attack people's lungs and airways if they go outside, blinding and suffocating them. This is not good."



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