The Day The Dalek Succeeds

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The Dalek screams before firing its death ray straight into one of his hearts. Too late to do anything now.

Part One
Earlier that day...
"Doctah?" Rose's voice echoes in the TARDIS console room. "Where are ya?" "I'm in here, Rose, give me a second. I'll be right there!" The Doctor's voice carries from a far room down a hallway. "Where is 'here'?" Rose shouts. A few seconds later the Doctor comes out of the left hall, grinning at his companion while carrying perfectly arranged pink and yellow roses. The bundle of stems are wrapped in plastic wrap. He walks over to where Rose is standing with a smile on her face and hands the bouquet to her. "Pink and yellow roses for a pink and yellow Rose," he remarks. "Aww, thank you, Doctah. How sweet," she says, sniffing the freshly-picked roses. "Where'd ya get these?" "Well," he says, drawing the word out, "the TARDIS created an instant garden for me in one of the empty rooms. I saw a whole bunch of different colored roses so I thought, 'Why not pick pink and yellow ones for my pink and yellow girl?'" The Doctor replies. "Thank you," Rose says softly, looking into his brown mocha eyes.

"Where to today, Doctah?" she asks. "I was thinking we could take a day off from running and just relax. Maybe go to a grassy park and have a picnic on the planet Moltor or watch the iridescent waterfalls on the planet Diamondice. Whatever you want to do," the Doctor says. "A picnic sounds great right now. I'm famished," Rose replies. "Okay, planet Moltor it is. Sixty-two billion light years away and a very peaceful planet. The Moltoraks are very humble. You'll like them," the Doctor states in an 'I'm clever' tone. Rose smiles at him and holds on to the console as the TARDIS dematerializes.

When they've landed safely, the Doctor excuses himself to get a woven picnic basket and picnic blanket. Rose, curious as to what the planet looks like, opens the doors slightly and peeks out. The sun shines brightly through the crack and she brings her hand up to her forehead to shield her eyes from its blinding rays. The Doctor joins her at the door and with his free hand, he grabs her hand and leads her out into the beautiful warm, breezy air. Rose is wearing a plain yellow sundress and a pink floppy hat. The Doctor leaves his trench coat in his room and rolls up his sleeves.

They spread out the red-and-white checked picnic blanket on the green grass and set the basket down on it. "What food do we have?" Rose asks. "Not sure. Whatever the TARDIS packed us," the Doctor replies, opening the basket. "Oh, by the way, it's bigger on the inside. We may have a whole feast!" Rose throws her head back and laughs. The Doctor loves to hear that laugh. It warms his hearts and makes his pupils dilate even when the sun is very bright. The unpacking of the picnic basket takes three whole minutes because of the amount of food that was in there. As Rose eats a slice of pepperoni pizza, the Doctor just eats a banana.

Suddenly their friendly little date becomes a disaster. They both hear a loud explosion in town which is a half a mile away and decide to see what caused it. "I thought you said we wouldn't be doing any running today!" Rose says between puffs of air. "That's what I thought!" The Doctor replies, breathing heavily. When they get into town, they see a completely destroyed concrete building that crumbled when the explosion happened. Two Moltoraks are guarding the scene of the explosion. "Excuse me, what happened here?" The Doctor asks a tall, thin guard. "Aa metall pepperr shakerr withh aa whiskk andd plungerr bleww upp thiss buildingg," it replies. All of the color drains from the Doctor's face. "Listen, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but you have to trust me now. That is a Dalek and it will destroy your whole beautiful planet if it isn't stopped," the Doctor tells the two guards. They exchange a look then say, "Wee trustt youu. Helpp uss."

The Doctor and Rose run off in a different direction and look for the Dalek. "How are we going to find it?" Rose asks with little hope in her voice. The Doctor scratches the back of his neck in frustration. "You don't need to find me. I found you." A robotic voice says from behind them. They turn around fast and stare at the Dalek's eyestalk. Rose squeezes the Doctor's hand a little tighter.

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