Bad Dreams

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"ROOOSE!!!!" The Doctor screams in desolation. His hearts ripped into shreds as he witnessed his one true love being flagitiously made into a Cyberman. He cursed upon all the planets in the universe and wished hopelessly for her life back. He was sat on the floor of a plexiglass box with his hands tied so tightly together with rope that his wrists were bleeding. It didn't help that he was desperately trying to break free from it. Anyways, that wouldn't do any good. Rose Tyler, the beautiful girl in pink and yellow, was dead. He couldn't save her. Not this time. Sweat and hot tears poured from his face and onto his suit. He thought he, too, was going to die from heartbreak. Her name was being repeated again and again in his head like a broken record. His brain felt like it was trying to pound its way out of his skull. This was too much for him to comprehend. They just appeared out of nowhere and hauled her off, screaming and kicking, to this room. Two more Cybermen grabbed the Doctor's wrists and tied them together before throwing him into the plexiglass box and triple-locking the heavy wooden door (the one thing a sonic screwdriver won't work on). He was forced to watch her die. The agonizing pain in his hearts was overbearing and he almost welcomed death....

The Doctor's eyes fly open. He sits up, confused for a second, then remembers where he is: in his bedroom in the TARDIS. He'd had a bad dream. The Doctor brings his legs to his chest and starts silently sobbing. Tears flood from his eyes for a good hour. Then he hears a knock on the door. "Doctor?" a voice calls quietly. He doesn't answer so the door opens to reveal a blonde woman in her nightie, robe, and slippers. Rose. She walks over to him and sits down on the bed. "Couldn't sleep. Was wondering if you're awake so I came here. I see you are. What's up?" She whispers, reaching for the lamp beside his bed. When she turns it on and looks back at him, she could see that his eyes are red and his lashes wet with tears. "What's happened?" She asks, her voice softening. "Bad dream," The Doctor chokes out. "Aw, I'm so sorry. That's horrible," she sympathizes, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him towards her to comfort him. He was surprised at this, but didn't mind much. "What was it about, if you care to tell me?"

"You," The Doctors mumbles into the fabric of Rose's silk robe. He can feel her drawing in a breath. "Tell me," she says. The Doctor describes it vividly, like it actually happened. He stops to exhale a shaky breath every few seconds. He can feel the tears threatening to spill over again. Rose looks at him with terrified eyes. He grabs both her hands in his and says, "Rose, it was just a dream. I won't let any of it happen. I'll protect you until the end of time and beyond that. I-" He suddenly stops, realizing what he was just about to say. "Hm?" She notices that he stopped mid-sentence. "You what?" Prolonged silence. Then he says, "You know." Then it hits her. "...But it'd be nice to hear you say it. Please say it, Doctor," Rose presses.

"Rose Tyler," He pauses, "I love you." The words feel numb on his tongue as he says them. Rose grins wider than ever before. "I love you, Doctor." Her lips crash onto his, taking him by surprise once more, and the pain of possibly losing her fades away as they passionately kiss. Her hands tangled in his hair and his rested on her waist. Then he cradles her face in his hands as they share sweet love. Resisting the urge to take it any farther proved to be a failure as they both climbed into his bed and undressed each other.

Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose. This time her name didn't sound like a broken record but like a beautiful melodic song in his head. He loved her. And she loved him. Nothing would ever come between them.

{A/N: Except maybe a wall between two dimensions in the near future. 😏 SORRY HAHAHAHA I'M SORRY THAT WAS MEAN. I apologize for that and I love you guys! (: Thanks for reading!}

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