Chapter Six

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Chapter Six (Newell)

 My veins were on fire.

I felt as if someone had just injected me with molten lava and it boiled every last vein in my body. I breathed heavily, feeling sweat trickle down the sides of my face as the reeking oni held me in his arms. He wasn't like the others, I noticed. He was a bit more timid and uneasy, a new member, I realized as I stared through the drugged haze at his face.

He was a young Japanese man with reddish brown hair that was short and spiked, his eyes a warm chocolate brown to match the shirt he wore under his jacket. He kept glancing at his superiors before looking down at me once we'd gotten into the car.

I could tell just by looking at him that he was far too softhearted for this job and I would have taken pity on him had he not been the one to stab me in the back of the neck with a needle.

And whatever that needle contained, it wasn't blood wine.

It was something else.

It made me hot and uncomfortable, but it wasn't enough to completely subdue me. I still had control of my body and I was going to use that as long as I could. I had to make it seem as if the job wasn't as easy as they assumed. Otherwise, they would become suspicious.

"Help me." I breathed, looking up at the oni that held me. He stiffened for a moment, then looked down at me hesitantly. I saw his mind warring with itself in his head as the car pulled out onto the street. He nibbled his lower lip with a thick fang, then peered up at his brothers, who sat in the front seats. He said something in Japanese to them. I only caught a few words, and it sounded like he was asking if they were positive that I was the one they wanted.

The muscular Japanese man behind the wheel snarled something back at him, making him wince. The man in the passenger seat shook his head and snorted, lighting up a cigarette, filling the car with a cloud of smoke that burned my nostrils. I almost curled my lip in disgust, but caught myself as I looked back up into the oni's face.

"Please, help," I pleaded, letting my voice sound soft and weak, making the oni shift uncomfortably, "I'm so hot. My blood is burning." I reached a hand up against his chest and his cheeks instantly flushed pink.

Oh, you sick little pervert.

Disgusting. I hated oni. They were foul, demonic creatures. And I wouldn't feel sorry for one second if I destroyed their entire species. I had seen plenty of creatures go extinct, so why hadn't oni?

"Please." I moaned, touching his cheek, drawing his face closer. The oni leaned down, licking his lips hungrily before parting them to bring them to my throat. The split second I had open to his throat was my only chance, so I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him down, sinking my fangs into his throat.

Instantly my mouth felt as if it had caught on fire. My fangs throbbed in agony and my mouth sizzled at the contact of the oni's poisonous blood in my mouth. Oni's blood were acidic to my species, definitely not a good idea to bite them, but it was the only weapon I had. So I would make good use of it no matter what.

I didn't just bite into his throat, nor did I drink his foul tasting blood. I gnawed at his throat, ripping and tearing as he screamed, trying to push away. His brothers panicked, both of them shouting obscenities in Japanese. I ripped open the oni's throat, his blood splattering on my face and along the seat. He gurgled and choked on his own blood before his body went limp and he fell to the floor of the car.

The oni in the passenger's seat whirled around, reaching to withdraw his gun, but I lunged over the back of the seat and grabbed him by the arm, jerking his wrist to my mouth and sinking my teeth down. He yelled in back and hit the lever on the side of his seat so the seat flung back and hit me in the stomach. I gasped, letting go of his wrist just in time for him to bring his other fist forward into my nose.

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