Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine (Newell)

"How pathetic," Drake spat, looking down at me with narrowed eyes, "I bet you'll drop that cocky attitude of yours now that your guard dog is gone." He lifted his foot off my throat and I sucked in lungfuls of air, gasping for breath as I rolled over onto my side, panting for a moment before I barked a laugh that made Drake point his gun at me.

"What the fuck is so funny?" He demanded. I managed to catch my breath long enough to respond.

"I can be annoying even without Xed here." I responded. Drake's nostrils flared and he brought his foot down on my head, slamming me into the floor. Pain burst through my head, causing blood to ooze from my nose. My ears rang and everything was muffled for a while as Drake stooped over and grabbed me up by the back of my neck. He slammed me hard into a wall, then looked up at one of the cameras in the elevator.

"Vini," He ordered, "Leave the security room and lock it behind you. Come to the elevator with the supplies. We need to move fast before the security finds out they've been hacked." He looked back down at me as the camera shut off. I panted hard for breath, tasting blood in my mouth.

"You're stupid," I breathed with a smirk curling the corner of my mouth, "It's not the humans you should be afraid of." Drake scoffed and let go of me so I hit the floor again. I pushed myself up so I was sitting against the back wall. I reached up, wiping the blood off my nose and mouth as Drake held the gun against my forehead.

"And I should be afraid of your merman? He won't do anything if it means hurting you. It was obvious from the moment he reacted to your name that he's obsessed with you." He told me, making me roll my eyes.

"So what? This isn't some western romance where he'll hop on a horse and ride out to save me. You've awakened one of the greatest predators in the world. Xed is at the top of the food chain and you're the food." I explained with a wicked smirk. Drake curled his lip and whacked me over the head with the gun. I felt pain crackle through my skull, darkening my vision momentarily. I wasn't sure if I passed out or not. I only know that when I opened my eyes, the top of the elevator was lifting open to reveal Vini's tired, drawn face. He looked awful.

"Isn't he going to cause trouble like that?" He asked Drake, who frowned for a moment, then turned to me. I glared at him and spat blood at his face when he reached down to get me up. He hissed, then snarled and grabbed my head, slamming it so hard into the wall that I heard a sickening crack and everything turned black. That time, I know I passed out.

I woke later to Drake's voice talking. A headache throbbed in my temples, making my ears ring as I forced my heavy eyes open. I found myself sitting in the corner of someone's office, my arms drawn tightly behind my back. It wasn't rope and upon further inspection, I realized it was a straitjacket. Where in the gods' names did they find a straitjacket this size? Either way, the total restraint made my body pulse with boiling hot anger as I lifted my head to peer past my hair.

Drake was leaning on a long wooden desk, talking on the phone with someone while Vini stood by the door to keep watch.

"Yes," Drake said, sounding frustrated, "He's right here. I'm not lying. I have him and if you want him, you have to bring us the money... No, not half, all of it. I want all of the money in the dufflebag I placed on the elevator top. Put all the money there, then get back down into the elevator. Wait for me there and I'll hand him over.... Of course I don't fucking trust you. I hate vampires."

I frowned, narrowing my eyes. Fantastic. Whoever it was had probably already gotten into the building, and if it was a member of Zephyra, I was even more screwed than I was earlier.

"I'm not lying," Drake insisted, then scowled and stormed over to me, grabbing a handful of my hair and jerking my head up as he pressed the phone to my ear, "Say something." I glared at him and pursed my lips defiantly.

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