Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three (Newell)


Michigan was one of the worst places to be in winter. It'd only been a couple days since we left the wolf pack behind and there was already a foot of snow on the ground. White fluffy snow that fell so heavily that we were forced to stop at a rest area. I tugged the lapels of my jacket closer to me, my breath coming out in clouds as I sipped at warm blood in a thermos. I kept an eye on Starling, who was thoroughly enjoying the snow.

I'd lent him some of my clothes, save for a jacket as my jackets were too small for him, so he wore one of Hunter's. It hung on Starling's tiny form in a way that was nearly comical-- if I didn't know what it felt like to be laughed at for wearing larger clothes.

Starling laughed and screamed excitedly, kicking up the snow and spinning around in it. He had long since finished the hot chocolate we'd bought in one of the vending machines and I soon realized chocolate was a big mistake if it made him this hyper.

I looked up to see that Hunter was still in the rest area, searching the maps for an easier route to Vladimir's home town. We would've already been there by now if the snow storm hadn't of struck so suddenly and we hadn't run into two more groups looking for quick cash and figured turning me in would be a good idea. Thankfully, Xed had taken them out and eaten them, much to my relief. I was waiting for him to snap, but he didn't wait much longer and ate all four the men who'd attacked us.

Xed currently sat in the back seat, fast asleep using my bag as his pillow and one of Hunter's blankets draped over him. He was exhausted from staying up so often and it annoyed me that he did this. He made sure to stay awake while I slept, as if he were afraid someone would catch me in my sleep.

Which was perfectly logical considering lately, people were snatching me up left and right. But he still needed his sleep and right now, we were safe.

Because we were the only idiots driving in the middle of nowhere, stuck at a rest area during a snow storm in Michigan in late November.

I sighed wearily, taking another gulp of blood and turning to see that Starling was trying to open one of the frozen trash cans. I scowled, pushing off the side of the car.

"Starling, stay over here!" I ordered. Starling whined, but obeyed as he trudged through the snow toward me. He dramatically flopped forward on his face in the snow at my feet, giggling and rolling onto his back. I glared down at him pointedly, then looked up as Hunter came out of the building, hugging his jacket tight against him, the winter wind whipping his dark hair around. He pulled his goggles down to keep the snow from getting in his eyes as he approached us and Starling got to his feet to greet Hunter with a toothy smile that made Hunter grimace.

"Are we on the right route?" I asked. Hunter frowned, looking around.

"Well, we were. I don't remember ever getting off 475, but we're at 223 right now. We need to head East, you said, right?" He asked. I nodded, looking toward the highway where only a few suicidal drivers chugged along the dangerous roads. The wind stung my cheeks and nipped at my nose icily, so I looked away, reaching back to pull my hood up against the wind.

"We're close," I said, "He lives out in the boonies between Adrian and Blissfield. So if you hit Adrian, we've gone too far." Hunter noddd, then paused to sneeze and groan.

"Goddamn, this weather. I miss the bayous."

"You miss mosquitos, gators, and merpeople?"

"At least mosquitos, gators, and merpeople didn't turn my nose purple."

"Your nose isn't purple."

"How do you know? You're squinting too much."

"I'm not blind, fool. Quit messing around. Is the car ready to go?" I asked and Hunter nodded. I turned to Starling, who had grabbed handfuls of snow in his palms and was eating it. I scowled, smacking it out of his hands and making his lower lip quiver in the beginnings of tears, but I held a finger up at him sternly.

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