Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen (Newell)

I had the oddest dream that night.

I opened my eyes to warm sunlight on my face, a cool breeze blowing my hair over my eyes. I blinked a few times, then turned my head to see that I was lying in a field of tall grass and wild flowers that swayed in the wind. I frowned and slowly sat up, looking around. It was a wide open field that seemed to go on forever on one side while the other side was abruptly interrupted by a thick ever green forest.

I could actually smell the pine, the sweetness from the flowers, even the sunlight. I tilted my head, inhaling the scent deeply. I ran my fingers through the grass, feeling the softness of it. I slowly got up and when I lifted my head, Xed was standing there. I stiffened for a moment, surprised to see him in my dream.

"What are you doing out here?" Xed asked. I shivered at the sound of his lilting Mediterranean accent, interested that in my dream, he could speak even though he was on land. He looked completely calm and serene. Almost out of place, though, amongst all the grass and flowers. I also noticed that I didn't tilt my head as far back to look up at him.

I ignored his question and looked down at myself, feeling my heart clench tight in my chest. I fought the urge to bite my lip in pain.

I was in that body again.

The one from my other dreams.

I was taller. I was older. Maybe not as tall or old as Xed, but enough so that when people looked at me, they knew I was an adult. My hair was long, though. It fell to my waist in long straight black locks, my bangs a bit on the long side as well, hanging over my face. I reached up, brushing them out of my face before looking up to see that Xed had gotten closer. I stiffened at the proximity and went to step back, but he caught my arm and pulled me closer. My breath hitched in my throat.

Well, this was new.

"Newell, are you okay?" Xed asked softly, concern burning bright in his eyes as he studied my face. I blinked a few times, staring at him before I managed to find my voice.

"What was your first question?" I asked dumbly. A very faint smile touched his lips before he leaned over, kissing me on the forehead. An odd warmth spread through me at that, my heart fluttering in my chest. Despite it being a simple peck on the forehead, something about it felt incredibly intimate.

My heart squeezed in my chest, though. This wasn't real. This was a dream. Xed wouldn't really do this, and even if he did... My body wasn't right.

He'd have to crouch down in front of me to kiss my forehead instead of lean down a few inches.

"Why do you look sad?" Xed asked, the concern returning to his face. I swallowed hard, shrugging his hand off my arm and taking a full step back.

"I'm not sad," I muttered, folding my arms over my chest tightly, "I just don't like this dream." Xed stared at me for a while with mismatched eyes. The beauty mark in the far corner of his left eye only made him appear more exotic. His olive skin looked smooth and delectable, stretched over rock hard muscles and washboard abs. It was almost enough to make my mouth water.

Then I mentally slapped myself for thinking this.

Maybe Hunter was right.

I was gay.

Or maybe it was just Xed. I don't remember ever being this attracted to other men. While I knew Hunter was incredibly attractive in a rugged biker sort of way, I wasn't attracted to him. It was just a simple fact that he was handsome.

But Xed was different.

He made my body hot. My blood boiled like lava in my veins, rushing down to my groin, making me ache. I could actually feel my skin tingling. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to know what those hard muscles felt like flexing beneath my fingers. I wanted to sink my fangs into his throat, taste the hot foreign blood that rushed beneath his warm skin.

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