Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten (Newell)

"Ahh! He's so cute! He's perfect!"

I had lost count on how many times Alaric had repeated the same things over and over again as if he were gushing about a doll in a shop. He was actually gushing over Nori, who just stood in the center of Alaric's living room, looking up at him with a pleased smile that was borderline naive. Alaric was too busy fawning over him, walking in circles like a hawk around him as he clapped his hands together giddily.

I sat on the sofa, resisting the urge to curl my lip in disgust at him. I managed to remain civil, sitting politely and holding a bottle of A negative blood in my lap. I took a sip, pausing to grimace every time I lifted my arms, shoulder blades still throbbing from being thrown around like a rag doll.

What I wouldn't give to gain a few extra pounds just to make everyone else struggle when they attempted to throw me.

Xed sat incredibly close to me, and while I had already ordered him to go away several times, he had ignored me and continued to sit next to me, stiff and eyes narrowed, watching everything around him as if he were waiting for a member of the yakuza or Zephyra to jump out at us from the cupboards of expensive antiques that ran the length of Alaric's apartment.

Calling him a pack rat would be an understatement. I think the word "horder" fit much better.

The man had glass cases and cupboards and ornately designed cases full of antique items and also items that would probably appear on the show Oddities. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the man was one of their frequent customers. The items in Alaric's apartment ranged from body parts in glass jars to ancient battle armor to bones to a small jar that I was sure contained vampire fangs. The thought made me shudder and I pursed my lips for a moment before taking a sip of blood, only to spit it out when Val whacked me hard on the back, having leaned over the back of the sofa to get between Xed and I.

"Don't get so relaxed," Val exclaimed, making me glower at him, "You may have escaped the yakuza today, but those bastards are gonna be hunting you down. They'll no doubt trace you back to Alaric."

"Which is why I'm leaving as soon as I get my information." I answered past clenched teeth, then turned to Alaric, who was hugging Nori close to his chest. Nori just seemed to smile in confusion, his fox ears laid back against his head as Alaric cuddled on him.

"Ohhh my god," Alaric moaned, nuzzling Nori's hair, "He's sooo soft! You have to touch him. Come here and touch him. Ugh, I've got to be the happiest vamp on the planet!"

"Quit molesting him and pay attention to your other guests." Val said before blowing a raspberry to get Alaric's attention. Alaric scowled at us and very reluctantly released Nori, stepping back and folding his arms over his chest.

And the pose couldn't make him look anymore feminine.

Especially in his skin tight black turtleneck and matching leather pants that were decorated with vibrant red skulls and chains down to his buckled boots that actually just zipped up the sides. He had pulled his hair up into a bouncy ponytail, his bangs swept over his forehead. It didn't help that he went all out with his eyeliner and mascara, making himself look more like a raccoon than a vampire.

No, he looked like he popped off the album art of a Kiss label.

"Hurry up," Alaric insisted impatiently, tapping his foot, "I've waited years to get my hands on a kitsune and now I finally have one in my house and no one wants to let me play with him. Rude, rude, rude."

"I couldn't care less about your creepy hobbies," I told Alaric in irritation, watching him pout as I listened to Val snicker behind me, "I want my information. I want to know who the serial killer is and if he's a friend or foe. I also want you to give me some cash to make it at least to Michigan."

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