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"Good Ruby, you've been upgrading your skills!" My teacher exclaimed to the Ms. Perfect. While me and the others were always getting scolded by her. She always say that we needed to be 'Perfect' and don't be a slouch if you know what I mean. Hi, I'm Lydia Bieber; Justin's cousin on his father side. I'm kind of a lost cousin before because some kind of tragedy happens that now I don't remember, but it doesn't matter anymore the past is the past! Let's just focus on the present moment...

"Lydia! What are you doing standing there like an idiot!? Go and get your bum on the stage and start dancing!" Ms. Waltz or should I say Ms. Deaf Maker exclaimed to me angrily and I just groaned.

"Excuse me, but are you showing disrespectful attitude to me right now?" She asked putting her hands in her hips and I just rolled my eyes. "No Ms. Waltz, and sorry if it looks like it. Which it was." I whispered the last part, "What?" She asked me confused and I shrugged. "Nothing!" I said rather quickly which made things even worst.

"Lydia Carlton Bieber! How dare you show direspect in front of me!? That's it, you have a 2 months time-off! Means you're not allowed here until your 2 months is over! Now, enjoy your vacation." She smiled smugly and I just looked at her bewildered.

"But, how about my solo part!? All of the people here are full! It means there's no one that can take my place!" I bellowed and she laughed. I repeat, she LAUGHED. Is this some kind of a joke? Man, that old hag needs to be rehabbed.

"Lydia, oh Lydia. You see, that's why we have Ruby Scarlet here. She will be the one replacing you until the contest is over. So, if I were you; I would go now and cry to my Mommy." She acted sympathetically to me and I was boiling! And I meant, smoke we're coming out of my ears and nose. I was still holding my grudge because I really don't want to kill her. I maybe hate her, but I don't want to be messy. I took my gym bag, didn't care about the people worrying about me; I just pass thought them. To be honest, I really don't have a best friend but I did once and then never had again. Do you want me to tell you the story? Okay, it starts off like this...


"Hey! Ruby, why are you crying?" I asked worriedly and she even sobs more. "Please, don't hurt me! I'm only 10 years old and I don't want to get hurt!" She exclaimed and I looked at her confused. "Silly Ruby, I would never hurt you! Why are you crying?" I laughed awkwardly and when I was about hug her she flinched. "They said that you were only using me because I was rich and popular! I thought you were my best friend!?" She bellowed and I was just flabbergasted. What is she talking about? I would never use her, she's my best friend for pancakes sake! And best friends don't treat each other like that!

"What are you talking about Ruby? I' am you're best friend! I would never use you! Who told you that!?" I was angry, whoever told her that will definitely end up in the garbage. "It doesn't matter anymore, because we're not best friends anymore!" She screamed while she threw the friendship bracelet I gave to her on her birthday. I cried, then picked up the bracelet from the ground and then cried even more. She walked off back to her parent's mansion while I was just outside crying for my already gone best friend.

End of Flashback

Yes, Ruby WAS my best friend but now, I got nobody except for Justin and his parents! My parents died when I was little, the day where the tragedy happened. Right now, Justin's kind of resting in other words, he's having his vacation or time-off with me. I got nowhere else to go but to him, Uncle and Auntie. But I call his parents Auntie B and Uncle B, because we're that cool! Just joking, I'm not cool. At all.

I was already in front of my cousin's house, he kind of bought this house for his future wife and kids but then I have to live with him. So yeah, me and Justin are really close since we were little then we parted ways, and then we got together again. He maybe blonde but I have a really silky raven hair. It's not that long, only just up to my upper back.

Empty Sheets (One Direction) *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now