Chapter 7

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Jada Black (Kat's Mom)

Julian's POV

Cole has been sleeping over a lot,...... Let me rephrase that Cole's been sleeping over every night. He doesn't leave my side, I love it though sometimes he can be annoying its cute. He calls every day. Today its Saturday morning and Cole is holding me near his chest breathing in and out softly.

"Watching me while I sleep is rude since you don't do it during the day when I'm awake" mumbled Cole. My cheeks burned red. I kissed his chest making him smile.

"Goodmourning to you too" I said shyly. His eyes showed more happiness though he was stressed out by everything.

"I'm not stressed out, I'm just a bit tired" he said nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes he always does this.

"No I don't your assuming that I'm stress but I'm not I'm just tired" he said.

"If you say so, I'm not going to argue with you" I said getting up.

"Why do you always do that as your Alpha you haft to show me respect" he spit out. I turned around a bit shocked.

"I don't haft to do anything, I said it before and I'll say it again I didn't ask to be your mate. So shoot me for worrying about your well being" I said angered. He shot up out the bed than got in my face.

"Don't. Start. With. Me. Julian or I'll hurt your little feelings" he said threatenly. I stepped back as he stepped forward.

"Leave me alone" I said walking away from him. He yanked my arm back holding it tightly, I tried pulling away but it didn't work.

"I said, don't start with me" He bellowed. When he let go of my arm there was a big mark from his hand. I raised my hand than slapped him, catching  him off guard.

"Get out I hate you. I hate you" I said loudly. He quickly put on his shirt and shoes than left out the window. I looked down at my arm I'm bleeding

Cole's POV

"Dammit what'd I just do, I hurt him I didn't mean to Nate, he just got me mad and.....I didn't mean it DAMMIT" I  yelled. I was passing back and forth in my room with my Beta, Nate.

"He has a point your stressed out to the point where you need to just relax, but firstly you need to apologize to Julian." Said Nate softly. I nodded my head.

"He hates me, I could feel his anger at that moment his lycan wanted to slash my throat" I said. Nate looked at me wide-eyed.

"What'd you just say" asked Nate suspiciously.

"His lycan-"

"You said Julian's lycan he's coming of age into his full state of an lycan and he'd probably didn't know it" said Nate. I nodded

"I need to control my anger" I said modestly.

"That's the most smartest thing you've said yet" stated Nate jokingly. I smirked.

"Or I'll just leave him alone" I said softly.

Julian's POV

"I should break his fucking face. Alpha my ass how dare he do this to you, I should make him go blind or no cut off his motherfucking-"

"Hey psychopath witch you need to relax, in that is harsh to cut a guys member off. Like geez chill" I said to Kat whose been rambling about getting revenge on Cole since I told her what happened.

"He's an idiot, I know but he has been stressed out lately. Besides coronation he hasn't told his dad he found his mate in the coronation is like four days away" I said sadly.

"Are you really taking his side, he could've broke your arm" she said angry.

"No I'm stating that he has a lot on his plate so him lashing out like that wasn't all that shocking as it should've been. I'm mad at him yes, and I'm dealing with a lot to...... I had my first change into a lycan today after our fight. It was a giant strength going through me, with the anger I felt towards him. I was legitimately ready to kill him than I transformed back" I said with a bit of pride.

"OH MY GOODNESS! Does your parents know" yelled Kat excitedly.
I shook my head. She looked disappointed

"I don't know exactly how to. It was my first time and it came while I was angry at Cole. So maybe if it happens again I might lash out at him...... And I'm not ready for that at all. If anything I'm scared by the idea of it." I said modestly. Kat pulled me into a tight hug.

"Awwn hun that's the risk you just gotta take and if that block headed, dumass, annoying, stupid ignorant son of a bitch-"


"He'll understand, of course because he loves you" she said somewhat calmly.

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