Chapter 10

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Kat's POV

We drove to my house in complete silence, only our breathing could be heard. I wasn't sure what to say he'd just ate someone than threw them in a lake. In I helped clean the blood he tracked into the house.

"Kat.... I'm scared what if I hurt you, or my parents, or someone by accident. I'm craving blood like a-a vampire" he said. I looked at him he was frightened and tears were filling his pretty green-brown eyes.

"I'm scared to but my mom can help she knows all lycan history, every breed" I said.

When we got to my house we went straight in wasting little time, my mom was in the kitchen drinking tea quietly. She looked like she'd just received bad news. She looked up at us than shook her head.

"Ma what's wrong" I asked. She gave a loud sigh.

"He's a hybrid, he doesn't change into a full lycan, but half human and half lycan. He's mixed with an unknown breed of lycan that hasn't been seen for millenniums, but he has it" she said staring at the table.

"He has Fenrir blood in his veins a wolf from long back, as he grew so did his hunger, he is known in wolf history. He is a vicious predator, and its unnatural pretty much impossible for any lycan to be apart of his bloodline, because no offsprings were produced. At least there not in any of my books." She continued.

"Ma what the hell does that mean is he going to keep killing" I asked. She nodded.

"He has to get his thirst for human blood under control or else he'll kill any human. Like a shark a whiff of blood sends them running like rabid hyenas searching for food" she said staring dead into Julian's eyes.

Julian's POV

I don't wanna kill I thought to myself. I ran outta the house and fell to my knees.

"I'm a killer, a cold blooded evil killer" I said crying. Kat gave me a hug rocking me back in forth softly.

"No we'll do whatever it takes, to help you I'm your best friend and I will not let you break. Sometimes it becomes a bit to much but I'll be there when your face down or falling hard" she said soothingly.

"Your the best Kitty Kat, but my parents how are they going to take this. It's outta my control" I said. Kat said nothing. I stayed at Kat's house the whole night texting my parents to tell them what happened.

They were shocked and worried, but very understanding my mom cried hard, she didn't know that it'll be this bad. Though I will get control of it I don't care how long it takes I blacked out falling into a deep sleep. When I woke the next day my head was hurting, I went into the bathroom and found fresh clothes and underwear. I got into the shower it was hot and felt good. When I looked at the water falling down it was all red and brownish.

"KAT!!" I yelled scared. She came rushing into the bathroom. I fainted but was caught by strong hands.

5 hours later.....

I woke up in my head was throbbing painfully, I opened my eyes and saw all white, everything was blurry at first than it cleared up. There was a annoying beeping sound behind me, the smell of medicine, cleaning solution was in the air. I'm in the hospital.... Dammit.

"Hey JuJu" said a voice. I looked over and saw a blood shot, red puffy eyed Kat.

"What happened" I ask groggily.

"You fainted you saw the blood and you-uh- you f-fainted and I-I was soooo scared I-I uh called the um ambulance, than they uh..... Brought you here" she said through soft sobs.

"Kat please don't cry, I'm sorry I just got scared the blood scared me. I thought for a second that I....." I trailed off. A knock came from the door and in came Cole. I didn't say a word, but I was pretty sure my heart beat could be heard through the entire room.

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