Chapter 13

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8 year old Julian

Julian's POV

I went to Kat's house and did exactly as Jada said. We went down into the catacombs, into one of the rooms. We were in a room filled with books and a few small cauldrons and a stone table. She ushered me to lay down.

"Relax, this is going to hurt so you will expect some unwanted pain but just stay calm" she said soothingly. She grabbed a book than opened it to the page she wanted.

I closed my eyes than relaxed, Jada put her hand on the sides of my head, and started to chant:

"Dictis aperire subiectum reserare quae ad praeteritorum memoriam" my head started burning it hurt.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed out as she chanted faster. Than suddenly it stopped.

10 years ago.....

I was standing outside a house two little boys were playing when I walked closer I seen it was me. In the boy with the black hair must be Elliot, they can't see me.

"Elliot come on I wanna go to the lake and see the birdies" my little self said. Elliot gave a toothy smile and followed me. They ran to the lake through the trees I followed.

"Looky Elliot, they have birdies swimming" I said. Elliot took my hand and sat down with me. I watched myself and Elliot, we look so happy.

"Their not birdies Ju their gooses" said Elliot his voice was soft and kind. His arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer.

"Are we gonna be like this forever" I asked him. He nodded than kissed my forehead.

Present Day....

I opened my eyes my head was beating like a drum, it hurt so much.

"I wanna see more" I say to her she nods than start again.

10 years ago....

"Sweety you can't see Elliot no more its bad for you" said my mom to my small self.

"Why did we do something wrong" I asked she shook her head.

"Baby, you just haft to your to young to understand" she said soothingly. I begin to cry and she tried to hold me but I ran.

"I love Elliot, you can't take him away because daddy doesn't love you" I yelled. I could his pain, it hurt. My mom looked shocked tears rolled down her cheeks.


"I hate you mom. I hate you. I love him you can't do that he said we'll be like this forever, and you gonna ruin it" I yelled angry. My eyes glowed.

"Ju its okay it's what's best" I heard Elliot say. My little self ran into his arms crying as he held me. Elliot cried himself. My parents took me away from him.

"You said f-forever" I cried out.
Elliot rubbed my back.

"I know" he said through tears. My mom sat there watching us with tears.

My mom picked me up than took me away I screamed and begged and tried to fight back but it didn't work. I ran out following them they put me in the car than drove away.

Present day....

"They took me away from him, they didn't let me stay even though than I loved him I mean I could feel it" I said sadly. Jada looked guilty.

"I put the spell on you your parents said it was because you had bad memories" she said. I hugged reassuring it was okay.

I walked home but only to be followed. I turned but no one was there, I started walking again. Than stopped.

"Elliot" I whispered. He came outta the shadows. Our eyes begin to glow

"Yes" he answered softly. I hugged for a moment he stiffened than hugged back.

"I loved you as a kid, my parents took me away and forced me to forget" I said sadly. He nodded than kissed my head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't chase after you but you moved away, in finally I was able to find you when you first change as 13" he said. We stayed in the hug for a while, than he walked me home.

I was going to confront my parents about this in the morning but for now I'm going to sleep.

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