PART 2: Chapter 12

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Elliot Benson (Alpha of SilverGrey Pack)

Julian's POV

6 days later....

Since I've been out the hospital that guy that was there has been in my head I miss him but I don't know him is that possible. He's been replaying in my mind his face, his sadness I want to know who he is. I've been trying to find him but its worthless, I'm walking home but I took a different route through the trees that'll lead to the main street close to my house.

My instincts tell me that I'm being followed the scent is oddly familiar, I look around and see him, the guy from the hospital. He's very tall, in a black and grey long sleeve, and black pants and matching shoes, and a beanie. His dark grey eyes make me warm.

"Who are you" I ask softly. He stared at me with an expressionless face.

"Elliot" he says his voice deep and cold.

"What do you want from me Elliot" I ask his stare sends shivers down my back. He smiled slightly.

"He isn't your mate, I suppose to be with you but your parents said no since you were so young and I was to. I've watched over you since we were 8 since I knew you were my mate. Sadly you don't remember who I am, though that'll make this ten times as easier" he said my eyes begin to glow I could tell something was happening.

When I looked at his they glowed also.
His eyes were so beautiful.

"I'm sorry for the hospital thing but when I felt your pain I almost died I don't why I went up there. I know you've been looking for me sneaking out every night thinking I'll just appear. You should take it easy, your head is still messed up and I don't wanna see you get hurt again" he said sympathetically.

"Did you know this was going to happen to me, the killing because its worsening and I don't know if it'll stop" I ask. He nods.

"It happens to me to, I'm able to control it, though the feeling to kill is in my mind 24/7. But self control is what keeps innocent people alive" he says. He steps to me and immediately the feeling of him being mine made my lycan happy.

"Aniko, that's the name of your lycan" he whispered into my ear. My lycan growled acceptably.

"Can you teach me how to control it, the changing and the constant hunger....please" I ask my voice barely above a whisper. I could see his lips curl into a small smile.

"If you really want me to than yes, I will help you" he said. He softly kissed my neck, my eyes closed his lips were so cool. When I opened them he was gone.

I looked around but he was no where to be found. I smiled in amusement, than made my way home. The feeling of seeing him again made my heart skip a beat. When I got there Kat's mom's car was in the driveway, I went inside and saw everyone in the kitchen, Kat seen me than gave me a hug.

"I was so worried I thought you ran away or got lost" she said. I hugged her back, I have been a bit distance from everyone.

"Jada I need to talk to you alone" I said to Kat's mom she nodded than followed me outside.

"What is it sweety" she asked. I was nervous.

"Can you do something for me but not tell my parents or Kat or anyone at all" she nodded.

"What is it" she asked

"I need you to compel me to remember my childhood and I mean all of it, I need to know something and your the only witch that can help I mean Kat would say no but I truly need your help" I said anxiously. She gave a smile.

"I've been waiting for this day, and now its here we can do it tonight, at my house but we haft to go down into the catacombs so Kat won't hear you" she said. I nodded.

"Thank you" I said than hugged her she was caught off guard but hugged back. We went back inside.

I told my parents a huge lie making sure my heart stayed at a constant slow rate, in they believed me. Kat and Jada left not to long after and I went up to my room and waited.

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