Chapter 23

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Julian's POV

I woke up alone in bed, I felt something wet on my back I turned over and saw a dead body.

"ELLIOT!!!!!" I screamed fear and confusion rushing through me.

"Oh my god" said a female's voice. It was Sicily.

In came in Hale and Elliot. I stared at the blood on my hands not daring to look at them. Elliot came over to me cautiously.

"Lovely, lets go put you in the shower okay... In get you cleaned up" said Elliot trying to soothe me.

"But, Elli I'm so hungry. Im craving blood" I said staring at him blankly.

"I will get you food. You just come in get in the shower". Said Elliot lifting me up.

The smell made me feel drowsy, and more hungry. I heard myself growl, my eyes glowed fiercely showing my power. My anger. Me. I had no control over myself, I couldnt remeber what happened last night.

"Hey lovely your going to be okay Im going to have someone come clean this up and than we'll go sit and talk" said Elliot sweetly.

I felt sick yet angry. I wanted to finish my meal. I started to growl angered.

"I want to finish my food" I snarled I ran passed them and into the bedroom and begin devouring the rest of the body.

I ripped it to shreads my hunger increasing as I ate more and more. I could feel Elliots sadness his anger towards me, as everyone watched in disgust and horror. The beast inside me roared out shakening everyone in the room.

"Julian please stop" sobbed Sicily

"I cant even if I wanted to this hunger its so strong. I crave it" I simply stated.

"You crave only what you cant have. Its a want in your need something that is both desired and necessary" said a man's voice in a soft tone.

Most of the skin was demolished and torn to shreds. I stared at the body.

"What have I become" I asked not to them but more to myself.

"A monster. But monsters are still human" said the man

"Elliot" I whispered out. He walked out the room not even looking at me.

I followed behind him trailing like a lost puppy. He went out the temple and into the garden.

"ELLIOT stop!" I yelled. Dead in his tracks he stood. "Look at me" I said. He didnt move. "Look at me dammit" I urged.

"What!. Huh what the fuck am I looking at you covered in someone's blood. An innocent person. A monster." He yelled coldly. I stared at the ground. He walked towards me I could feel his guilt the pain.

He tried to come closer but I stepped back. One step forward two steps back. Three steps forward five back. I couldnt allow him to touch me. Im a monster he was right. I turned away in went back inside.

"Julian. Follow me" said a man. I turned in found a old man in a robe with different symbols in languages. I did as I was told.

We entered a cell it had a bed and a toilet and the smallest window shinning the littlest light.

"Three days you will stay in here. You will be fed but only once. Water daily but it will come from my spring. This will become your cleansing after" he continued " we will start the hunting process. In so on and so forth".

"You are a much intense case. It will require time" he said than walked away.

"Oh yes and Julian. Elliot will come around his anger can only consume him for so long. Itll start to hurt him and he'll fall to pieces than come to you. Because you are the only one to put them together" he stated.

I nodded he closed the cell and I sat on the bed. The wall was stone, solid and cold.

"I guess this is my safe haven until I can escape my demon" I said to myself.

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