Chapter 14

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Younger Elliot Benson.

Julian's POV

" Mom, dad we need to talk" I said to my parents they looked at me confused.

"What's going on" asked my dad.

"You had Jada compel me to forget that my mate was Elliot Benson, you knew I loved him as a child but you made me forget. I was 8 years old, and you took me away. All these years I thought I was just imagining things when I seen a shadow with the same glowing eyes as mine, in my room every night. You put me in a mental hospital for a week, because you lead me to believe I was crazy. Why?" I said coldly. My parents said nothing.

"Please listen... We though it would be best if you two separated it, your mates yes, but you were so young and addicted to one another. We didn't think it was healthy. Though his father excepted it at the time, we didn't. You were obsessed with one another it was insane. You never wanted to part you spent nights in that now old treehouse every night. We would come up there and you guys would be sleep on a small mattress cuddled up tightly." Said my mom guilty.

"We thought that you should have a chance at a normal life" said my dad.

"Normal.... Normal I'm pretty dam far from normal. I was 8 I didn't know what was happening to me. But you did the night I was in heat it wasn't because of Cole it was because of Elliot and you knew it. Your cruel and horrible. I loved him.... I love him" I said a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Baby we thought it was best-"

"For you but what about me what I wanted what I needed I was a child, and I need him. But you took him away. How would you two feel if you were separated never to love eachother again, and forced to forget. How would you feel" I asked neither of them said a word.

I left out and went to Cole's house to explain everything and to apologize for having to leave him, but when I got there he was in the car with Kat they were having sex. I was stunned, I turned and took my leave with tears rushing down my face. How could she not tell me? I found my way into the woods anger feeling me.

"What's wrong" asked a deep voice. I turned and seen Elliot. He looked amazing he was wearing a leather jacket with a white shirt and dark jeans, and matching shoes.

"I think my best friend is my mate's mate" I said the words felt bitter coming from my mouth.

"I'm sorry to hear that" he said in a mellow tone. I nodded, he walked over to me and took my hand.

"Can I show you something" he asked. I nodded unsure. We went through the woods than stopped at a huge oak tree.

It had an old treehouse at the top, I felt like a knew the place. There was a ladder build into the side of it, we climbed in went inside. It looked brand new inside everything was in place and looked great there was a bed next to a small nightstand. It looked like a small apartment.

"It was our hangout, every night and day we were in here doing stuff like games, reading dancing drawing and much more" he said still holding my hand.

"It's amazing, I can see us now" I said happily. He guided me over to the bed than pulled out a book and gave it to me. It was a photo album.

He took off his jacket than his shirt, there were marks all over his back and stomach and rib cage. I got up and walked over to him, he towered over me. I gently touched one and just stared watching my every move, I traced over at least six of them.

"Training" he said lowly. I looked at him.

"I trained a lot learning as many types of fighting possible. I'm an expert in many of the things I've learned." He said gruffly.

"Scars upon scars all over you" I said. He gave a small smile than kissed me. His lips were so soft, and moist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up wrapping my legs around him.

"I love you" we mumbled to one another in sync. He laid me down softly on the bed, I got on top and straddled him.

He sat up so I was sitting in his lap, his hands went up my shirt stripping me of my jacket and shirt. My pants were getting unbuttoned until my phone ringed. I looked at it and seen it was Cole I quickly ignored it and allowed myself to be swallowed up by the lust and passion that I had for Elliot.

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