Chapter 9: Home...Sweet...Home?

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Inside the protective embrace of the wall, the air felt remarkably fresh, a precious commodity we had almost forgotten in the world outside. It was as if we had been transported back in time to an era when everything was ordinary and untroubled.

Within the wall, a row of quaint houses stood proudly, numbering around ten or perhaps more. These small dwellings exuded an air of serenity, reminiscent of a time when neighborhoods thrived in harmony. But beyond the houses, a sea of tents sprawled out, likely serving as makeshift quarters for the military personnel who safeguarded this sanctuary.

An imposing, old building loomed large just beyond the wall's entrance. A curious feature was its conspicuous lack of a door, making us wonder what mysteries it held within.

"This way, please," a soldier instructed, leading us toward the enigmatic structure. "This is where ammunition and supplies are stored. You'll need to queue up for food, of course, to maintain order."

"Understood," replied Carrie, her voice laced with gratitude.

Our guide gestured toward a massive flat-screen television hanging on the wall. "That's where you'll receive your missions. Naturally, there'll be a fee involved, considering we saved you from that massive horde." He offered a smile that seemed to hint at some self-awareness.

I couldn't help but catch Lex's subtle eye roll, but our guide continued, "Follow me, please," directing us toward the large building. "This is where you'll be staying tonight and, well, for the foreseeable future, unless, of course, you meet an unfortunate end."

With our bags in tow, we traipsed past several houses, each one seemingly more appealing than the last, until we reached our destination. It was a house that was destined to be our new abode, though our initial impressions left us stunned.

"Home... sweet... home?" Jaidyn quipped, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Holy shit," Lex muttered under his breath, a sentiment shared by us all as we took in the astonishing sight that greeted us within.

Carrie's eyes widened in amazement, while Lindley remained stoic, wasting no time in entering the house.

The interior was a sight to behold. A red couch adorned the living room, set against shining flooring. Portraits and paintings adorned the walls, with the unmistakable presence of the Mona Lisa gracing our living space.

Jaidyn ventured upstairs, and I followed suit, eager to explore further. As he slowly turned the doorknob to one of the two spacious rooms, a gasp of surprise escaped his lips.

Each room could comfortably house six of us, an unimaginable luxury. The bathroom, connected to one of the rooms, boasted a shower, a bathtub, and an array of shampoos, soaps, and lotions.

"Wow, lotions. I don't even use them," Lex remarked with a chuckle.

"I think none of us do, except the girls," I chimed in, sharing a laugh with the group.

"So... who goes first? We do smell like shit," I quipped.

"I'll go first," Lex volunteered.

"I'm up next," Jaidyn declared eagerly.

"Then I guess I'm last," I conceded with a grin.

Our new home was a haven beyond our wildest dreams, and the prospect of a refreshing shower filled the air with anticipation.

Rising of the DeadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz