Chapter 15: Weapon for you Weapon for me

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Chapter 15: Weapon for you, Weapon for me

Sawyer Wilson

We reached the Blue Yack. The Rentire Shopping Centre has been wrecked. It has been a long time since we've been here and the last time we've been here, we we're immature little kids who dreamed being a super hero. It was surrounded by infecteds. We dodge every infected we encountered and when we reached the rotating doors everyone got up quickly and ran towards it. The door creeks as we push through, the sound of rusty metals clunks and echoes in the whole shopping centre. Our footsteps echoes on the white tile floor as we make our way through the Blue Yack.

"This is the place" Jaidyn said and pointed to the old shop that's been wrecked by almost thousand of people hoping for a good find.
The huge glass window where the displays used to be was broken and on the floor u can find big chunks of broken glass. Lex went in first holding his hand gun pointing on every corner of the shop. The shop is almost empty only ammunition was left on the counter where it was displayed.

"People are so dumb, why would they just take weapons but not ammunition?" Jaidyn said and i agree on that.

Rose grabbed her empty bag and chuck all the ammunition on the floor and scavenge whatever she finds usefull.

we reached the back room, as i tried to twist the door knob, it wont budge.

"I could try to... " Lindley said and everyone including myself looked at her in the most worried face.

"Try to unlock it?" Jaidyn guess and she nod as if she done something wrong, she stepped forward towards the door and kneeled in front of it.

"Clips? I need two? Also you guys should shush, i need silence so i could focus."

Luckily Carrie has her hair clip on her hair that has been there ever since this thing has began

"You know lindley youre a life saver" Jaidyn said . I noticed Lex looked at Rose raising his eyebrow as if he's saying Someone's in love and Lindley put her index finger on her lips with a shush and everyone stood back and watch.

She bent one of the hair clip into a straight pin and the other one is bent just enough to make the lock twist clock wise. She inserted the straight pin first and at the bottom she inserted the acute clip twisting it clockwise. She proceeded to feel the lock using the straight pin.
"4 locks. Interesting, this should be easy" she whispered.
She push the straight pin and began to feel each lock and in 5 seconds the first lock clicks.
"Thats one" she said
She continue to pick the lock and suddenly a noise shattered the silence of the Blue Yack. 5 infected approach the door banging loudly.
"Make them shut up!" She demanded.

I step closer to them and make my way through the broken glass where we went in.

"Come on!" I shouted and Jaidyn followed me as they chase toward us tumbling and stumbling while running towards us. Jaidyn held his fist, i lifted my bowie knife in the air and Jaidyn lounge towards the nearest infected tackled it on the ground, he lifted its head and with force he push down and its head made a loud cracking noise and its head explodes into tiny pieces, the blood leaks out and slowly turned thick and black. I saw an infected making it's way towards Jaidyn, i run towards it and grab its waists with force, i tackled it to the ground and pinned him down, i held my bowie knife and with force the knife slice through its head destroying it's brain.

"Okay! Thats two!" Lindley said as she worked on the door, while Lex, Carrie and Rose stood still watching the events that seemed to play in slow motion but happens way too fast, it like watching a train stopping slowly but drove forward instead of opening it's doors.

Sawyer finished off the last infected, but Lindley is still on the last lock that wont seem to get unlocked. I wiped my forehead using the back of my hand while Jaidyn used his black shirt that he has been wearing ever since this started, it says "Gory MeNtal", seems ironic.

"I cant.." She said yanking the straight pin, pulling it and push it once again "guys please, quiet i cant." She moved her head indicating towards the lock.

And for a minute everyone stopped breathing, only the deafening silence crowded the whole store, even our rumbling stomach seems to cooperate, nothing but silence. Silence

Then *click* Lindley turned the lock clockwise making a screeching noise as she turns it, everyone jumps from excitement. As lindley pulled the door open, here it lies the beautiful armoury full of semi automatic rifles and combat knives of all sorts.

"Well, I wasn't expecting this" Lex said as he approach the Desert Eagle hanging on the wall. "It's .. Ugh, heavier than I thought".

Then Jaidyn approached the M16 just next to the combat knives and next to it was it's own ammunition.

*** ***
As everyone tried to packed all weapons they could get: knives, gun, hammer you name it. Rose stood up carrying this Automatic rifle thats almost as big as her, it was hanging behind her back, she then reach over and stood over us, she pulled out the magazine making sure if it was on full clip, she once again put it back in and pulled back the metal bit just next to the safety button, and a bullet came out.

"Here comes the squad" she said and looked towards us. "Lock and load."

Rising of the DeadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz