Chapter 14: There and Back Again

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Chapter 14: There and Back Again

Character : Jaidyn Watson

"JAIDYN ITS ME JAIDYN" i said, putting my hands in the air while holding my knife in my hands

Sawyer's gun is still pointing at me, he's walking towards me

"BEHIND!!" Lindley burst out and quickly ran towards Sawyer and tackled the infected behind him.

We've never seen Lindley ran so fast like that, Sawyer turned behind him and saw Lindley stabbing the infected's head, its blood was splattering on her face.

She stood up and wiped her face after that she breathe loudly, Sawyer ran towards her and hugged her so tight that she barely can breathe.

Lindley quickly took her gun in her left side pocket, Sawyer did the same, Lindley and Sawyer aimed using their guns on their left side and shot a few zombies while they still holding each other.

I reached over Carrie and she stood up and quickly grab her knife at the side of her boot and she slashed the infected throat, it flinched but it was still alive.

The horde is gone, only a few left and Sawyer took care of them, blasting their heads "thank god" Carrie said.

I looked at the moving infected, it looked like our neighbour Mr. Wilbert. It's probably him.

I slowly looked at Sawyer and i saw him shooting the infected head. He turned to me aswell, and we automatically walked forward and we hugged each other.

My bestfriend, also my only family left.

We were hugging each other for quite a long time, Carrie puts her hand on Sawyer's shoulder and Sawyer responded by nodding his head.

Without a word Sawyer, Lindley, Carrie and I walked away from the Infected dead bodies.

**** ***** ***** ***

Character: Sawyer Wilson

I never felt like this before, it's like I never seen Jaidyn for a very long time. He's my best friend since i was very young, since then we got each others back.

Our friendship got tested after this thing happened. No one knows, who knows? Maybe, it's just god punishing us, maybe, it's some kind of scientific experiment that failed.

We reached the highway that is about 2 miles to the base camp, despite that its way too far away, there is some cars that is lying around here, some cars looks good and we could use it for a ride to the base camp.

I wonder how Lex and Rose are going. Hopefully they doing alright.

"That one" Jaidyn pointed at a red car that looks OK but its windscreen is wrecked.

"How can we start it?" I asked.

"I can jack it" Lindley raised her hand and she quickly smashed the window and opened the door.

"Wait, What? Lindley? How do you know this kind of crap?!" Carrie's face wrinkled.

"Well.." Lindley answered and she paused for a second, she opened the keyhole and jerked out the rest of it and red and blue wires fell out. "I got many reasons" she continued.

"What are the reasons?" Carrie asked looking around, spectating the area.

"I stole a car before" as soon as she finished the sentence, the car burst out to life making a loud noise that is good in the ear.

Jaidyn jumped out of happiness.

"Im driving" I said. Everyone agreed.

Jaidyn sat next to me while Carrie sat behind me and next to her was Lindley.

"Where we heading?" Jaidyn asked.

"To the camp".

*** *** *** ***

"Turn left Sawyer, turn left" Jaidyn said.

"Why are we turning left?" I asked.

"Remember ? Year 4 field trip? There was a weapon shop that we went to? And were not allowed there coz its dangerous? We thought it was a toy shop?"

I imagine what was it like back then, Year 4 field trip, everyone was happy during the bus ride, kids at the back standing, throwing paper airplanes and talking to their friends while me and Jaidyn is just sitting in the very first row talking about the cartoon show 'Dr. Nitro'.

The bus stopped in the parking lot outside Rentire Shopping Mall.

The shopping mall is huge and next to it is the cinemas, children ran towards the spinning door, being silly, while Jaidyn and I stayed with the teacher

"Ok kids" she pointed at the door. "Have fun" she smiled.

"Welcome to Rentire Shopping Center" The big sign said.

As soon as we stepped inside the mall Jaidyn noticed this vintage looking store, although it looks old, its fascinating to see, and it looked like an old toy store.

"Lets go there" Jaidyn pointed, his timy hands wrapped my wrist and he dragged me towards the store.

The store is called "Blue Yack".

The store clerk blocked our way as soon as Jaidyn touched the door. "Too young little kid".

"Whats in there?" I said in very innocent voice.

The clerk bent down and patted my head "dont worry about it" he smiled and walked away.

Jaidyn pointed at the gun that is so huge that its impossible to carry.

I jerked the wheel to the left side of the road, I saw Jaidyn smiled as soon as i turned left.

"We gonna need bags..." He smiled "a lot of it"

Rising of the DeadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz